Fossapup64 9.5 built with puppy .pets & ubuntu focal-fossa packages.
Kernel 5.4.53
Modular build means you can swap out the kernel, applications & firmware in seconds
Want a minimal bare bones puppy? Easy just remove a single file and reboot.
Joe's Window Manager (JWM).
Palemoon Browser.
MPV, Deadbeef & Gogglesmm (good for large music collections) media players.
Claws Email.
Lots of in house puppy-specific applications such as Pburn, PuppyPhone, Find'n'run, Take A Gif, Uextract, Packit, Dunst-config, Picom-gtk, Transtray, Janky Bluetooth, Change_kernels, JWMdesk, YASSM, Redshift, SimpleGTKradio.
Thanks to all developers, contributors & testers !!!! this includes barry k the original developer of puppy, 01micko the current maintainer of puppy, everyone at woofCE, everyone who participated in the fossapup thread giving feedback and finding bugs, everyone who gave feedback on irc #puppylinux chat,
and all other contributers to puppylnux (too many to name) without which fossapup64 wouldn't be possible.
approx minimum System Requirements: 2007 era 64bit core2duo cpu & 2gb ram
Download here
A 32bit eoan-focal hybrid iso by peebee is also available here viewtopic.php?f=40&t=405&i=1
Bespoke wallpapers by nilsonmorales
This differs from usual pups by being more modular, sort of a two pups in one. Rather than just the main puppy.sfs and zdrv.sfs (kernel) there's also the puppys fdrv & adrv utility. So say for instance you just want a bare bones system, you can remove the adrv and get a small 180mb puppy. it can go even smaller if you use tahrpups firmware in the fdrv to something nearing 150mb. You could even compile a new smaller kernel for the zdrv and go even smaller.
what the different drvs.sfs give you: .....
puppy_fossapup64_9.5.sfs 97mb
a basic system that boots to desktop. no dri drivers, no apps apart from dillo, urxvt & leafpad
adrv_fossapup_9.5.sfs 229mb
this will give you a regular puppy, abiword, mtpaint palemoon etc
fdrv_fossapup64_9.5.sfs 40mb
this is the firmware separated from the kernel and is easy to edit and change
zdrv_fossapup64_9.5.sfs 27mb
this is the kernel and can easily be changed with change_kernels
note that the puppy.sfs requires a zdrv.sfs & fdrv.sfs, the adrv requires the puppy.sfs,zdrv.sfs & fdrv.sfs.
A video showcasing some of what puppy can do can be seen here
Download here