Virt-manager puppy live not working

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Virt-manager puppy live not working

Post by Kangarooo »

In ubuntui i have virt-manager that uses kvm qemu for virtualization
i make virtualization and it doesnt start if i choose linux 2022 or generic or ubuntu 22
how to make it work?
Here is last 2 screenshots before i get blank screen

432654230_1593526751413139_5527672813347386019_n.png (29.02 KiB) Viewed 901 times
432453458_441549788400605_63783077516613000_n.png (23.94 KiB) Viewed 901 times
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Re: Virt-manager puppy live not working

Post by user1234 »

Well, actually I also tried it, but it never did.

There is a script inside woof-CE which allows running the ISOs through QEMU.

I am not having my laptop right now, so can't send you the script; but will definitely post it here whenever I can access it.

You can try running qemu by setting display to sdl (with maybe virtgl enabled).

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Re: Virt-manager puppy live not working

Post by Clarity »

Hello @Kangarooo
Change your QEMU video driver (in Virt-Manager for this PUP effort). The one it is using for QEMU, currently, wont work with your FossaPUP64. My QEMU stanza looks like this issued from a terminal prompt:

Code: Select all

qemu-system-x86_64 -name "FossaPUP64 v3" -enable-kvm -smp 2 -m 2G -vga std -device AC97 -net nic -net user -rtc base=localtime -boot d -cdrom Downloads/fossapup64-9.5-23v3.iso

Also, on your Ubuntu PC would you also report what you get when booting this forum's BookWormPUP64 ISO file found here

Let us know.

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Re: Virt-manager puppy live not working

Post by user1234 »

Yes, @Clarity's qemu command should do it.

The only required changes will be using the -vga std.

I tend to stick with -vga virtio for some ISOs, since that allows fitting of the screen resolution to my actual screen resolution (I use a 1366x768 screen, but -vga std sets the screen size to 1280x720 for some ISOs I used).

You can also try adding -display gtk,gl=on or -display sdl,gl=on (or any of these without ,gl=on) to the above -vga ....

For me, with -vga virtio, -display gtk,gl=on sends keypresses such as Ctrl+Tab to the host, while -display sdl,gl=on sends the keypresses to the VM.

BTW, you can also use this script, if virt-manager does not work:

Code: Select all


FLASH_CMD="-device nec-usb-xhci,id=xhci"
EXTRA_CMD="-cpu host -display gtk,gl=on -smp 2"

CONTINUE_WO_ERROR=0 # continue without spelling out error? Useful when the previous was such a flag which accepts its next cli option as well
for cli_flag in "$@"; do
    case $cli_flag in
            echo \
"Run your self built Puppy in qemu!

Usage: $0 [OPTIONS] -iso/-i [ISO FILE]

Option			Meaning
 -h, --help		 Show this help.
 --no-sound		 Disable sound in opened VM.
 -m,-img		 Use this as '-img [Disk Image '.img' File]'.
 -e,--ext		 Use this as '-ext /dev/[BLOCK DEVICE NAME]'.

  1. QEMU is required to run this application.
  2. [ISO FILE] is the  path to the  generated '.iso' file. This is  necessary
  3. Disk Image file with  '.img' file format is a file which can be used as a
     'virtual storage drive (hard drive)'.  Using this is optional, but can be
     used if you  want to save  some of your  work in the qemu session. Please
     refer for tutorial
     on creating one.
  4. '-ext' can be used to allow QEMU to use external storage device which has
     a  block name  assigned  to it. You  can use  'lsblk'  to  determine  the
     [BLOCK DEVICE NAME]  assigned  by  the  kernel  to your  storage  device.
     NOTE+ADVICE: This  option can be  used with  internal storage  devices as
     well, but if the VM has been run from PuppyLinux itself, the Puppy ran in
     VM may start using the same save file/folder which host is running on and
     might corrupt it."

    [ ! "$1" ] && echo "Please specify the path to a valid bootable ISO image." && exit 1
    [ ! -f "$1" ] && echo "ISO image '$1' not found. Please specify the path to a valid bootable ISO image." && exit 1




    [ ! "$1" ] && echo "Please specify the path to a 'IMG' disk image." && exit 1
    [ ! -f "$1" ] && echo "Disk image '$1' not found. Please refer for tutorial on creating one." && exit 1

    IMG_CMD="$IMG_CMD -drive file=$1"


    if [ -z "$1" ]; then
        echo "Please specify block device name to be used."
        exit 1
    elif ! test -b "$1"; then
        echo "'$1' is not a block device."
        exit 1
    elif [ "$(mount | grep -c "$1")" -gt 0 ]; then
        echo "'$1' is currently mounted; please unmount first."
        exit 1
    FLASH_CMD="$FLASH_CMD -device usb-storage,bus=xhci.0,removable=on,drive=stick""$STICK_NUM"" -drive file=""$1"",format=raw,if=none,id=stick""$STICK_NUM"


    if [ $CONTINUE_WO_ERROR -eq 1 ]; then

    echo "Unknown option $cli_flag. Please run ' --help' for help."
    exit 1


! type $QEMU >/dev/null 2>/dev/null && QEMU=qemu-system-x86
! type $QEMU >/dev/null 2>/dev/null && QEMU=qemu-system-i386
! type $QEMU >/dev/null 2>/dev/null && echo "Sorry I can't find QEMU. Please install one." && exit 1

[ $ISO_PATH_PROVIDED -eq 0 ] && echo "Please specify the path to a valid bootable ISO image." && exit 1

ISO_CMD="-boot d -cdrom $ISO_PATH"

[ "$REDIR" ] && REDIR="-redir tcp:$REDIR_PORT::22"
# shellcheck disable=SC2086

This is a modified version of from woof-CE. Run the script with --help to see usage.

NOTE: I earlier got the sound command working, but after I deleted the previous version of this script accidentally, I have not yet been able to figure out how to add sound (so, you will need to tweak the SOUND_CMD="" line if you want sound inside your VM).

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Re: Virt-manager puppy live not working

Post by Clarity »

user1234 wrote: Thu Mar 28, 2024 7:56 am

NOTE: I earlier got the sound command working, but after I deleted the previous version of this script accidentally, I have not yet been able to figure out how to add sound (so, you will need to tweak the SOUND_CMD="" line if you want sound inside your VM).

Hello @user1234
I am unfamiliar with this problem as I have always had audio via the host speaker when generated within an app or browser in the VM. The QEMU commands I have presented on this forum are such VMs. Additionally the hosts distros I use produce the audio results desired with no efforts or environmental changes.

Which host distro and/or which VM QEMU stanzas do not give you audio, requiring you to change an environmental variable? AND, is that variable changed at the host level or is it required within the VM's distro?

Just Curious

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Re: Virt-manager puppy live not working

Post by user1234 »

Clarity wrote: Thu Mar 28, 2024 10:09 am

Which host distro and/or which VM QEMU stanzas do not give you audio, requiring you to change an environmental variable? AND, is that variable changed at the host level or is it required within the VM's distro?

Basically, you need to add a -device [DEV_NAME_FOR_SOUND_DRIVER] to the command. For me, the device name intel-hda works. In the command you provided, you used AC97.

The variable I was talking about was inside the script. The script actually uses that variable to provide the options for sound, run as $QEMU ... $SOUND_CMD ....

Run qemu-system-x86_64 -device help | less, and search for Sound devices by pressing / followed by the search query. This will list all supported sound devices in qemu. You'll have to choose one for you; intel-hda may just work.

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Re: Virt-manager puppy live not working

Post by JusGellin »

I just wanted to mention my experience doing this. I've used virt-manager before and originally couldn't get the BookwormPup64 or any puppy linuxes working until the help from this site helped me to do it with Qemu. Once I saw that it would work with Qemu, I went back to try it again by using virt-manager. Again it wouldn't work. I found that the default settings of virt-manager was the problem. So the changes I need to make it work were:
Storage drive needed to be SATA (it seems Qemu defaults to that but virt-manager defaults to Virtio which none of the puppies will work with) Also it will allow the iso to come up to install if the storage is set to Virtio, but when you run the installed puppy, it won't boot.
Video: VGA
also I set the the linux version in your case to ubuntu20.04

I've been using BookwormPup64, but just tried the installation of FossaPup64, which also works. I tested the sound which works too.
I hope this helps.

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