Mike I did know that, I guess I just don't click mentally with how everything is located into these chunks, even if stabilized! I do like PhotoFiltre's unitary structure. It's old fashioned Win 98 program style, and that seems to fit the way my mind works. Also I guess why I like Puppy/Jwm etc.
New problem arose today and I'm in Wine hell right now trying out different versions in totally disorganized fashion. I've got to straighten out mentally and installation wise and do a fresh OS install to test things on, carefully and in order.
Problem arose thus: I was happily SketchUp-ing away designing something, when a couple anomalies popped up. The first was when I tried to draw a select box around something to move it. That's a left button press, and then drag the box around whatever you want to select. However when I did the press and drag, the screen went black except for the box being drawn. As soon as I let up on the button, everything reappeared, and the box was there, too. Which was sorta okay, but it shouldn't go black while dragging, because you can't see what you're selecting exactly.
So that was an irritation. Next problem was when I saved (which I do periodically while working on something important) it would do the save, but then I couldn't move the cursor with the mouse in the SketchUp window) I had to kill SketchUP from outside the window. My work was indeed saved, so again, no great loss, but this also is not really acceptable .
So then I thought maybe this 5.11 appimage portable wine version is maybe too high? So I've been going nutz trying to find an earlier version of wine that works on this setup -- which is complicated by the 64bit/32 bit wine craziness and all kinds of old procedures and old forum advice like, is the 32 bit compatibility sfs required? Is one available for or needed for F96-CE?, etc.
Time to simplify the variables and set up a new test install with clean Pup everything.....
I'm feeling the need to start over with a new separate OS install......