I have Wine installed for a few Win programs I can't do without (the old free Google SketchUp 7 and 8 for example, not Trimble's later versions). BUT... I also have one program I could probably do without via Linux apps, except that it just does what it does better than any other I have tried. It is without doubt the most used Wine program I have. That program is Josh Madison's units conversion program, Convert.exe. Would I install Wine just for this program? Nope. But if Wine is there already for other purposes, this one is my absolute favorite units converter -- I use it daily, and it is definitely my most used Wine program. Shortcut icons for Convert and Galculator sit side by side on my desktop. Free, as in beer, 153 kb small, and available here: https://joshmadison.com/convert-for-windows/
What's your favorite Wine guilty pleasure?