Evening, gang.
don570 has recently posted about the newest release of Avidemux - v2.8.0 - in AppImage format. It works fine, but only in Bionicpup64 or newer (requires at least glibc 2.27). Well, you all know me; if I release anything, I like to try and make it available for as many Puppians as possible. I came across an AppImage for the previous release, v2.7.6, late last year - which works in all 64-bit Pups, as far back as Tahrpup.
At the time, I put it to one side, intending to do something with it, then promptly forgot all about it. It's not my personal favourite - that's Openshot - but, as mikeslr has stated on more than one occasion, it's a highly usable editor where no transcoding or similar manipulation is needed. Which is very true......and I have in fact used it myself on occasion, for 'simpler', more straight-forward projects. (I like the 'jog-wheel', too; useful!) And Don's post the other day reminded me of it, so.....
Here, then, is a 64-bit Puppy-portable of Avidemux v2.7.6, fully self-contained as are all the portables. You can run it from anywhere you like - even a flash drive - and add a MenuEntry if required. Or not, as it suits.
If interested, you can find it here:-
D/l; unzip; place anywhere you like.....preferably, outside the 'save'. Click to enter, click 'LAUNCH' to fire it up. Or add a menu entry; the 'MenuReadMe' explains the procedure.