Slacko-32 does not load savefile [solved]

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Slacko-32 does not load savefile [solved]

Post by cobaka »

Request for help/info
[In brief - BigPup suggested I use a different installation package. That solved the problem.]

The situation: For months I ran uPupBB-32 (the ubuntu busy beaver) on this desktop box.
Had minor probs with Light/You-Tube (would stutter, then freeze).
Decided to try Slacko-32 (UEFI) and loaded that Puppy to USB. (detail below)

Completed installation to USB flash drive and removed boot (USB) drive containing uPupBB.
Booted "new" USB flash drive (i.e. Slacko-32) and connected to the internet.
"Messed around" etc and shut-down the Slack-32 puppy.
The slack-puppy noted that this was the first shut-down and I went thru the procedure to create a save-file.
I chose to put the 'save file' on sda3 - a 67GiB partition with ext4 format.
sda1 = ext4 partition.
sda2 = VFAT partition (around 30GiB)
sda3 = as above.

I did NOT copy the system files to sda3 (when Puppy suggested I to do that).
I chose to boot from the thumb drive (ie sdd1 ISO9660 format).
Yes, it may be a little slower etc, but I'm content to run/boot from flash. It's fast enough for me.

On re-booting - Puppy did not find the save-file on sda3.
I went thru the rigmarole again - set-up kbd/time/language etc. n/w. Looked at google, (all good) - shut-down.
Puppy said: First shut-down. Like to make a save file? Ans: Yes.
Did as before: Puppy made a second save file on sda3, called slackosave-1.
OK, now you understand the problem. I won't make a third save file.

Info about my system is below. 2 snapshots supplied - desktop (drives etc) + sdd1 (the boot ISO disk).
See also: two *.cfg files below

Must be something to do with the boot-loader or cfg, but "I know nothing ..."

o-o-o --------------------

▶—— Distro Specifications ——◀

Distro: Slacko Puppy 6.3.2
Window Manager: JWM v2.3.2
Desktop Start: xwin jwm

Development: Bash: 4.2.53 Geany: 1.25 Gtkdialog: 0.8.4 Perl: 5.18.1
busybox: 1.23.1 dhcpcd: 6.0.5 Glibc: 2.17 OpenSSL: 1.0.1t 3 May 2016, built on: Tue May 3 14:18:55 2016
wpa_supplicant: 2.4

o-o-o ----------
▶—— BIOS (supplied by Pup-Sys-info ——◀

Vendor: Intel Corp.
Version: NT94510J.86A.4034.2006.1109.0935
Release Date: 11/09/2006

o-o-o ----------
Computer specs or make and model? 32bit Medion (2006 bios. Vy reliable)
CPU = P4
Memory: 2GiB - slow
Graphics hardware: don't know, but prob not relevant.
Network hardware: copper, broadband, ethernet. Works well with uPubBB

Puppy was installed: from uPupBB using bootflash + ISO file to SDE.
Installation: Full, frugal, or live? ummm ... it's on sdd1. See shapshot cobaka-sdd1.jpg
Installed on what drive: See snapshot - below.

How is drive partitioned? 3 partitions. sdd1 = 210MiB, ISO9660 (boot+puppy)
sdd2 = 4MiB, VFAT
sdd3 = 14Gib, ext4
The partition(s) are formatted as: see above.
Puppy is installed on which partition: sdd1 (also see snapshot)
PROGRAM USED to INSTALL? (see above. It's the program where you see a picture of a burning CD. I had to 'click' the slack-pup ISO file.

o-o-o ----------

Here is a file called grub.cfg from sdd1.
insmod png
background_image /slacko.png
set timeout=10
menuentry "Start slacko" {
linux /vmlinuz
initrd /initrd.gz
menuentry "Start slacko - RAM only" {
linux /vmlinuz pfix=ram
initrd /initrd.gz
menuentry "Start slacko - No X" {
linux /vmlinuz pfix=nox
initrd /initrd.gz
menuentry "Start slacko - check filesystem" {
linux /vmlinuz pfix=fsck
initrd /initrd.gz
menuentry "Start slacko - No KMS" {
linux /vmlinuz nomodeset
initrd /initrd.gz
menuentry "Shutdown" {
menuentry "Reboot" {

(end of grub.cfg)

o-o-o ----------
Here is a file called isolinux.cfg (from sdd1)

#display help/boot.msg
default slacko
prompt 1
timeout 100

#F1 help/boot.msg
F2 help/help.msg
F3 help/help2.msg

ui vesamenu.c32
menu resolution 800 600
menu title slacko Live
menu background slacko.png
menu tabmsg Press Tab to edit entry, F2 for help, Esc for boot prompt
menu color border 37;40 #80ffffff #00000000 std
menu color sel 7;37;40 #80ffffff #20ff8000 all
menu margin 1
menu rows 20
menu tabmsgrow 26
menu cmdlinerow -2
menu passwordrow 19
menu timeoutrow 28
menu helpmsgrow 30

label slacko
linux vmlinuz
initrd initrd.gz
#append rootfstype=ramfs
menu label slacko
text help
Start slacko normally.

label slacko-ram
linux vmlinuz
initrd initrd.gz
append pfix=ram
menu label slacko with no savefile
text help
Start Slacko64 with no savefile RAM only.

label slacko-nox
linux vmlinuz
initrd initrd.gz
append pfix=nox
menu label slacko without graphical desktop
text help
Start slacko in command-line mode (Linux console).
Graphical desktop later can be started by typing "xwin".

menu separator

label slacko-nokms
linux vmlinuz
initrd initrd.gz
append pfix=ram,nox
menu label For machines with severe video problems
text help
Start slacko without savefile, without KMS, and run xorgwizard
to choose video resolutions before starting graphical desktop.

(end of iso-linux)
cobaka_desktop_'20-0725.jpg (63.59 KiB) Viewed 811 times
cobaka_sdd1_on_'20-0725.jpg (34.97 KiB) Viewed 811 times
Last edited by cobaka on Thu Jul 30, 2020 11:34 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Slacko-32 does not load savefile

Post by bigpup »

I did NOT copy the system files to sda3 (when Puppy suggested I to do that).
I chose to boot from the thumb drive (ie sdd1 ISO9660 format).
The boot process in Slacko 6.3.2 is a little buggy about finding the save.
It is suppose to look on all drives, until it finds it, but it has bugs.

There are some added entries, you can make to the boot menu entry, to help find the save, easier.
But, you used a program to do the install, that made the USB SO9660 format.
That format, was probably locked closed, so can not write to it.

Try this.
Copy the puppy_slacko_6.3.2.sfs file, to the exact location, the save is, on the hard drive (sda3).

Reboot, not making anymore saves. Just have the first one you made.

Any help?

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
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This is not what I expected :o

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Re: Slacko-32 does not load savefile

Post by cobaka »


Thank you for your reply.
I thought (in the absence of my morning dose of puppy) I may suffer withdrawal tremor but your quick reply saved me!
Yes folks, always use Puppy Linux. There is no substitute!
Try this.
Copy the puppy_slacko_6.3.2.sfs file, to the exact location, the save is, on the hard drive (sda3).
Below, you see the content of sda3 before I follow your instruction.
You will see a copy of uPupBB on sda3. So ...
I though very hard about what might happen with two boot-able puppies on the same drive.
I decided that probably nothing would happen BUT decided to do something different.
I will move the slack-save file to sdc1.
I will follow your instruction, but change the location for slacko_6.3.2.sfs to sdc1 - but after I submit this to the forum.
If you don't see me again - then I really stuffed up!!


OK: repeating what I have done. I moved the save file fr. sda3 to sdc1
I copied the puppy_slacko_6.3.2.sfs from sdd1 (the target thumb for installation) to sdc1.
(And now, ladies & gentlemen) I will reboot.
Screenshot_sda3.jpg (156.6 KiB) Viewed 790 times

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Re: Slacko-32 does not load savefile

Post by cobaka »


Attempt #1. (failed)
Copied puppy_slacko_6.3.2.sfs to sdc1.
Moved the 'slackosave' file to sdc1. (I think it's actually a "folder" but it looks like a file).
(Maybe it's a file that looks like a folder.)
Booted. Failed to recognize the save file (i.e. acted as a first time boot).

Decided to repeat the exercise, but on sda3.
Returned the save file to sda3 (moved, not copied).
Attempted to move (not copy) slack_pup but (shock! horror!)
Saw a copy of puppy_slacko_6.3.2.sfs already in sda3.
Proof: see snapshot.
So .. now (as I type). sda3 has the config you requested ... and I will now shutdown and reboot.
sda3_on_'20-07-26.jpg (64.79 KiB) Viewed 789 times

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Re: Slacko-32 does not load savefile

Post by cobaka »


With puppy_slacko_6.3.2.sfs + slackosave on sda3: I booted. I saw the cold-config. box. The slack-pup did not recognize (or find) the save file. (I'm starting to go shaky again ...)

Am now back at the starting point: using uPupBB32 from a thumb drive.

I have a number of empty thumb drives. I will: rename slackosave.
I will/have erased puppy_slacko from sda3. (it's gone)
Use puppy installer (with the CD burn/flames) to 'try again'.
I'll make notes during the process.

(dear bigpup ... I think god hates me. Otherwise why would he bring such terrible suffering to my life ... I'll go to a psychologist and ask if the relationship with my parents is ok ... and the epidemic is here too ... woe, woe woe.)


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Re: Slacko-32 does not load savefile

Post by HerrBert »

Hello cobaka.

I didn't read this thread in depth, but i took a look at slacko's init and it has a variable:

Code: Select all

[ $psave ] && PSAVE=$psave #ex: sdb4:/puppy/tahr/tahrsave or smark or 49baa82d-8c69:tahrsave
In my understanding a bootparameter like

Code: Select all

should load your savefile from sda3.

This is just a guess, but worth a try.

[edited due to nameconfusion :oops: ]
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Re: Slacko-32 does not load savefile

Post by HerrBert »

Also there is

Code: Select all

 [ "$PSAVEMARK" ] && SAVEPART="${BOOTDRV}${PSAVEMARK}" #note, PSAVEMARK could also be a kernel boot param. ex: sda2
[ $psavemark ] && PSAVEMARK=$psavemark #100913 partition number that has/will-have save-file.
which is IIRC used when booting from CD/DVD
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Re: Slacko-32 does not load savefile

Post by bigpup »

Installing multiple versions of Puppy, on one USB flash drive, can be done.
But, you want to do it, by doing frugal installs, of each Puppy version.
This puts all the specific files, for each one, in a separate folder/directory.

Then install a boot loader to the USB drive, with a boot menu entry, for each Puppy version.

I am not sure you are using the correct program to do USB installs.
Used puppy installer (with the CD burn/flames) to 'try again'.
That is for burning an install to a CD or DVD.
Need to use a program, made to do installs, to USB drives.

If you can still boot upupbb, download and install this installer program and use it.
Frugalpup Installer
downloaded from here: ... /frugalpup
Several downloads listed. Always get the latest version.

The Frugalpup download is a sfs package.
Download to /mnt/home
Use SFS-Load_On-The-Fly to load it to use.
Should have menu entry, in menu->Setup, to run it.

Frugalpup Installer main window:
Puppy button will do installs.
Boot button will do boot loader installs.

First, start with a freshly partitioned and formatted USB drive.
Use Gparted program.
Make two partitions.
First one, a small 300MB, formatted fat32, flagged boot.
Rest of drive, a second partition, formatted ext 3 or 4.
Install the Puppy version(s) to the second partition.
Install boot loader to the first partition.

When you boot whatever Puppy version on the USB.
Select to make a save. Choose the USB second partition for location of the save.
The save will be put with the rest of the files for the Puppy, you are making the save for.
The save on the USB, should be found, at next bootup.

Special requirements for UEFI computers:
Partitioning of the drive Puppy Linux is installed on.
Minimum two partitions.
First one a small 300MB, formatted fat32, flagged boot
Second pr other partition(s) any format, but a ext 3 or 4 format is better to use for Linux.

The boot loader and it's files go on the first partition. (boot partition)
Puppy OS is installed on the second partition.
Boot loader required is UEFI boot loader.
More information about the UEFI boot loader in the Frugalpup Installer help.

Strongly suggest read the Frugalpup help before doing an install.

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
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Re: Slacko-32 does not load savefile

Post by cobaka »

Strongly suggest read the Frugalpup help before doing an install.
Please advise location of this info.



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Re: Slacko-32 does not load savefile

Post by bigpup »

Start Frugalpup Installer program.
Help is the help button, on the main window, of Frugalpup Installer.

Tells you how to use Frugalpup Installer.
Screenshot(3).png (54.17 KiB) Viewed 744 times

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When I was a kid, I wanted to be older.
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Re: Slacko-32 does not load savefile

Post by HerrBert »

pardon, didn't want to bother you....

Last edited by HerrBert on Thu Jul 30, 2020 6:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Slacko-32 does not load savefile [solved]

Post by cobaka »

@BigPup & Others:

Solved by using the installation program suggested by BigPup.
Installed The Slack-Pup. I learned a lot during the process but made so many 'adjustments' that I'm unclear where my method (etc) fell over.

After a long process (where the installer told me "all good") I found I could boot, but not cleanly. (See below)

I completed the installation process and turned the power off. I removed the original flash drive (used to boot/run uPupBB).
I turned the power on and saw a message ... cannot report, even vaguely, but something like: cannot find puppy_slacko_6.3.0.sfs
(Puppy_slacko_6.3.0.sfs is on /mnt/sdd1, 920MiB, VFAT32.)
Dumped into the command line. Got access to common bash commands such as ls, cd, etc. Poweroff cmnd not available.
Resorted to turning the power off. Did nothing more except ....
Rebooted and bingo! Saw boot-loader menu options and after that the boot scripts and then the slack-pup desk-top.
Power off. Process repeated. (ie first boot failure, re-boot working).

Now (re-booting twice) the loader 'falls' into the booting process and presents the desk-top first time.
Foolishly I put the save-file on the 2nd partition (ext4) of the USB storage device (boot 'drive); it's slow but works.

Thanks to BigPup and others.
I still have a lot to learn about the location and function of folders (and so on).

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Re: Slacko-32 does not load savefile [solved]

Post by bigpup »

Good to hear we helped.

Do not get to hung up about what goes where in the file system.
Just run programs and let them do their thing.

Navigating in the Rox file manager.
It starts always showing the ~root directory.
Use the up arrow, top left of Rox window.
That goes to showing the complete file system.

This is typical Puppy Linux file system

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
When I was a kid, I wanted to be older.
This is not what I expected :o

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