WIFI signals use channels to broadcast the signal.
Depending on the amount of other WIFI signals in your area.
There could be multiple signals on the same channel.
If the same channel you are using.
Interference is possible.
2.4Ghz, 5Ghz, 6Ghz signals, all have a different amount of channels, that could be used.
2.4Ghz has up to 14 different channels, but also some overlap, so not very good to use these.
5Ghz has up to 36 different channels and none overlap.
All routers come with a preset default channel setting.
A lot of them use channel 6 default setting for 2.4Ghz signal.
So everyone on 2.4Ghz most likely is set to use channel 6, if they do not go into router settings, and change to using a different channel.
This is how to change the channel of your WIFI router.
Use this command in a terminal to see all WIFI signals and their info:
Code: Select all
nmcli dev wifi
This command may not work in all Puppy versions.
May need to use, whatever network connection program you use, to let it show this information.
Info should be in the scan for WIFI signals.
Find your WIFI router signal info and compare channel used to others listed.
You can change your WIFI router channel by going into the router setup.
Usually typing into a web browser address the router address, which opens to the router settings.
Try changing to a channel not being used or one not used as much.
Close the router setup making sure to save the changes.
This should now be the channel being used.