Hello, I'm very impressed with this new (for me) Puppy. I did a frugal install and selected to add its boot instruction to ubuntu (actually Mint). On my machine I boot from an ssd "sdc" which is gpt and boots MX or Mint from Grub that located in MX.
Could someone please help me by explaining how to add a script to the MX boot menu?
It may be something like:
menuentry "Puppy dpupbw64 10.0.4" {
insmod ext2
search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root faf4b8d1-1ceb-4b69-8655-c2e40f9862f1
echo "Loading vmlinuz"
linux /Frugalpup/vmlinuz pmedia=atahd pdrv=faf4b8d1-1ceb-4b69-8655-c2e40f9862f1 psubdir=/Frugalpup pfix=fsck,fsckp,trim TZ=CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3
if [ -e /Frugalpup/local-initrd.gz ]; then
set local_rd=/Frugalpup/local-initrd.gz
taken for the attached screenshot, but I'm not certain.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Thank you