I got tired of not remembering the Xfce hotkeys, so I made a splash script. Assign it to a hotkey itself and never forget the keystrokes
or copy the code:
Code: Select all
# variable SPROG for the program
$SPROG -text " Xfce Custom HOT KEYS
Alt+Space = Window operations menu
Esc = Dismiss/cancel dialog
Alt+Tab = Switch to next window
Shift+Alt+Tab = Switch to previous window
Super+Tab = Next window of current app
Alt+F4 = Close window
Alt+F7 = Move window
Alt+F8 = Resize window
Alt+F9 = Hide window
Alt+F10 = Maximize window
Alt+Shift+PgDn = Raise/lower window
Alt+F11 = Toggle fullscreen
Alt+F12 = Toggle above
Ctrl+Alt+D = Show desktop
______________MOVE WINDOW TO WORKSPACE___________
Alt+F6 = Stick window
Alt+F5 = Maximize horizontally
Ctrl+Alt+End = Move to next workspace
Ctrl+Alt+Home = Move to previous workspace
Ctrl+Alt+Num1-9 = Move to workspace 1-9
_________________FOCUS WORKSPACE_________________
Ctrl+F1-F9 = Switch to workspace 1-9
Ctrl+Alt+Left/Right = Next/Previous workspace
Ctrl+Alt+Up = Upper workspace
Ctrl+Alt+Down = Bottom workspace
Ctrl+Alt+Left = Left workspace
Ctrl+Alt+Right = Right workspace
Alt+Insert = Add a workspace
Alt+Del = Delete last workspace
Ctrl+Alt+Del = Logout Menu
_______________APPLICATION SHORTCUTS_____________
Super+Alt+F = File manager
Super+M = Mail reader
Ctrl+Alt+T = Terminal emulator
Super+R = App Finder
Alt+F1 = applications menu
Ctrl+Esc = desktop applications menu
Print Screen = xfce4-screenshooter -f
Alt+Print Screen = xfce4-screenshooter -w
Ctrl+Alt+L = xflock4
Ctrl+Alt+Del = xflock4
Alt+F2 = xfrun4
Ctrl+Alt+Esc = xkill
Super+P = display settings
______________click splash to close______________
" -placement center -close click -align left -bg_gradient_sens soft -font 'DejaVu Sans Mono' -fontsize 14 -fontstyle normal -fontweight normal -fg '#19EDBB' -bg '#001E28' -margin_width -150 -margin_height -150 -timeout 0 -bg_gradient false -border true -wrap true -ontop true