To activate pipewire as sound system on Bookworm, Daedalus or Sid builds.
Update: 04-04-2024, new deb package v1.2.0 apt update; apt install pipewire-setup
and see: viewtopic.php?p=112530#p112530
Update: 01-04-2024, new deb package v1.1.0 apt update; apt install pipewire-setup
and see: viewtopic.php?p=112530#p112530
Update: 23-02-2024, a .deb package for to setup pipewire is available now, see: viewtopic.php?p=112530#p112530
(edit: what to say about pipewire: I'm no good with that, anyway I see it as pulseaudio replacement but then more friendly
This is alternative method. It works for my rather simple needs anyway. The goal is to make sound work (using the pipewire setup), for when applications requiring sound as root, as well as when running as user 'puppy" (unprivileged user) (when logged in as root) by running e.g. run-as-user <command>
, user "puppy" should be included, in a 'Dog' system and then run-as-user is by default running "as user puppy"). edit; all similar to "run-as-spot" and can't stop thanking for the development from Mr. Sir @jamesbond
For this, the latest 'run-as-user' script (from package 'run-as-user' v0.0.5) is required.
Inspired by the way that BookwormPup64 handes it (it's running pipewire as user 'spot').
How to:
- Install the pipewire-audio package, will install with dependencies, also newest 'run-as-user' required (v0.0.5) and pavucontrol:
apt update; apt install pipewire-audio pavucontrol run-as-user
- Download attached "run-pipewire.tar.gz", extract in /usr/local/bin, so you get /usr/local/bin/run-pipewire
- add in /root/.xsession
. /usr/local/bin/run-pipewire
before the lineexec openbox-session
(in case openbox running) so you get:Or in case of XFCE build, in /root/.xinitrc:Code: Select all
. /usr/local/bin/run-pipewire # note the '.' as first character, that way it's "sourced", as should be exec openbox-session
Reboot or restart X to apply.Code: Select all
. /usr/local/bin/run-pipewire # note the '.' as first character, that way it's "sourced", as should be exec xfce4-session
Check "Pulseaudio volume Control" from Menu or from terminal:pavucontrol
if it's working correctly.
EDIT: not sure if bluetooth audio works, I cannot test.