KLV-Spectr-rc1 is Available with Void Linux Kernel 6.6.4_2

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Re: KLV-Spectr-rc1 is Available with Void Linux Kernel 6.6.4_2

Post by geo_c »

Well I've completed the revamping of the keybindings and upgrading the available keystrokes in Spectr, and I'd love to wow you with lots of screenshots and gifs of audio applications running, and lots of keystroke navigation, but instead here's a shot of the new splashes, Actually those are alternate gtkdialog windows in addition to the splashes. The dialog or splash can be chosen by commenting and uncommenting lines int he spectrwm.conf. I like the gtk dialog window better because it resizes, moves and is more persistent, etc

I now have just about every availble spectr function mapped except the last few region control functions, and that's because I need to explore it on a mutli-montior setup.

If you read each of these dialog windows left to right (and not down the left column) you can see they are laid out logically in pairs, and they are all quite intuitive once you get into it.

And of course the right dialog window contains all the audio bindings for the jack apps in an upcoming layer (or build) that I plan on making available.

@rockedge and @Sofiya, the question is I've built my Pipewire-Jack Spectr on rc-1, and I'm wondering if I were to do a fresh build or 08layer, would it be better to use rc-2?


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Re: KLV-Spectr-rc1 is Available with Void Linux Kernel 6.6.4_2

Post by rockedge »

@geo_c I think if rc1 is been regularly updated it should be equal to or newer in upgrades than in rc2. Though to be safe perhaps it would be better using rc2.

I could do another packaging of KLV-Spectr-rc2 with the latest Void Linux kernel and put out rc3.

I can help test out the 08Layer to determine how to give this huge option to users. There is always the method of building it in to a straight up Pipewire-Jack Spectr distro in it's own right. I like the 08Layer idea best at the moment. :geek:

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Re: KLV-Spectr-rc1 is Available with Void Linux Kernel 6.6.4_2

Post by geo_c »

rockedge wrote: Wed Feb 14, 2024 3:18 pm

@geo_c I think if rc1 is been regularly updated it should be equal to or newer in upgrades than in rc2. Though to be safe perhaps it would be better using rc2.

I could do another packaging of KLV-Spectr-rc2 with the latest Void Linux kernel and put out rc3.

I can help test out the 08Layer to determine how to give this huge option to users. There is always the method of building it in to a straight up Pipewire-Jack Spectr distro in it's own right. I like the 08Layer idea best at the moment. :geek:

Basically I've been experimenting with upper_changes on a multi-instance1,2,3 with instance0 being a PFI. When I'm happy with the changes I boot the PFI, do a system update and install whatever additional packages and config files I decided on in the experimental instances, than resquash the rootfs.

I have a lot of stuff in my personal rootfs, and it's 1.4GB, it includes lv2 plugins, some soundfonts, hplip, and some extra packages others might not want, but expendable packages aside, the Distro I envision would be pretty huge by our normal standards. It might be hard to keep it under a gigabyte.

I could go either way, though I personally prefer working from one 07rootfs rather than adding an additional 08layer, because it's easier to create a PFI and customize it. Also, with an inclusive 07rootfs, a user could operate off upper_changes and by using the restore.sys script for backups, never really have to bother with extensive management of upper_changes. In other words easy to rollback and update the system again. They might not know the difference with 08layer in between, but for my purposes of rebuiding PFI style, it tends to get in the way. Maybe I'm not thinking about it right though.

edit: And I should mention that I have the same thing going with KLV-airedale-PWjack-cortile. so it would be a blast to offer both complete audio distros. Eventually getting the third one going on Hyprland.

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Re: KLV-Spectr-rc1 is Available with Void Linux Kernel 6.6.4_2

Post by rockedge »

@geo_c Remember, we can also have both the 07rootfs and the 08Layer uncompressed on the running system. Although all the writes and changes will go to the upper_changes (rootfs) and not to the 08Layer, but it would make it easy to manually make the changes in that state. The advantage goes to an all inclusive 07rootfs with no 08Layer for making modifications and package additions. I think the XBPS package manager can monitor and update all of the packages in either set up, but we should test this. Test first with the modular 08Layer SFS loading at boot and running routine rolling updates. We probably can assume that as a monolithic rootfs it will also perform the rolling updates.

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Re: KLV-Spectr-rc1 is Available with Void Linux Kernel 6.6.4_2

Post by geo_c »

rockedge wrote: Wed Feb 14, 2024 5:34 pm

@geo_c Remember, we can also have both the 07rootfs and the 08Layer uncompressed on the running system. Although all the writes and changes will go to the upper_changes (rootfs) and not to the 08Layer, but it would make it easy to manually make the changes in that state. The advantage goes to an all inclusive 07rootfs with no 08Layer for making modifications and package additions. I think the XBPS package manager can monitor and update all of the packages in either set up, but we should test this. Test first with the modular 08Layer SFS loading at boot and running routine rolling updates. We probably can assume that as a monolithic rootfs it will also perform the rolling updates.

Well, really I guess what needs to happen is unsquashing 08layer to upper_changes and installing the addons, pretty simple.

Old School Hipster, and Such

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