Here's a little yad gui that will enable or disable devices (i.e. touchpad). I started to write this as a gui for xinput but I know Wayland doesn't use that so this should work for everyone.
Devices that are enabled will show enabled in the combobox and the other option will be "disable".
Devices that are disabled will show disabled in the combobox and the other option will be "enable".
Change the options that you want and click ok.
0.2 - if xinput is installed you'll have to select to use or not and then the main gui will popup. Make your changes and then you can click the test button to test your changes and you'll get a 30 second countdown. After 30 seconds your changes will revert. You can click the revert button on the countdown gui to immediately revert or click the keep button to keep your changes.
0.3 bugfix and some improvements
0.4 added a switch to xinput or non-xinput button and some other improvements.
0.5 bugfix
0.6 code clean up