Here's a simple yad gui for mounting/unmounting network shares. You will need yad, nmap, and smbclient installed to use this. Run the gui from the network menu and it will scan your network for any shares. If shares are found you'll be able to select what you'd like to mount. If you successfully mount a share you'll be prompted to unmount when you run the program again.
0.2 minor improvements
0.3 added option to rescan and if arp is installed the first, third, fifth, etc... rescan will use arp instead of nmap to find local ip addresses. I also added a yad tail viewer that will display smbclient checking the found ip addresses for shares.
0.4 I decided to speed the process. When initially searching for shares the program will try to ping your existing saved shares and if online you will be prompted to mount them. If you select rescan then nmap will run and search for all local ip addresses like normal. I'm guessing most people are like me and really only mount the same network share/shares so there's no need to run nmap every time.
0.5 used mktemp for the temp file and fixed a couple of commands that might print errors. I also edited a few of the buttons.
0.6 sped up some processes and created a manual entry option
0.7 added option to re-scan all IP addresses without host names for shares
0.8 the program will unmount a mounted network drive when the host is down
0.9 bugfix