Hello, I'm new here but not to Puppy Linux, having had and given away several pups to people over the years, and having set up their backup computers with them.
After following this guide to install Vanilla Dpup 10.0.45 ("How to make fully-usable USB-Puppy?" https://www.forum.puppylinux.com/viewto ... 54#p106354 ) When I shut down the new install for the first time, it saves automatically but doesn't offer the option to encrypt, so the save folder that gets created remains unencrypted.
I was able to get the Vanilla Dpup 10.0.44 install to ask for an encryption password, but don't remember anymore what I did to achieve that, as I usually work late into the nights. Probably I followed this guide ("VDpup 9.2x: How to encrypt the pupsave file on a frugal install?" https://www.forum.puppylinux.com/viewtopic.php?t=7718 ) but trying it yesterday didn't work, and I can't keep experimenting anymore.
Would someone please give me a definitive and simple guide on how to get the save folder/file encrypted on first shut down please? Also, I assumed it would be a standard feature on Vanila Dpup - if it could be made into one, that would be great!
Thank you. I'm happy to post error logs, etc. later today if required.