I would like to proxy the traffic of a Wireguard VPN to a specific browser (Firefox or Chrome), ie isolate it from the network interface so that the rest of the systems network traffic and other applications remain outside the VPN:
https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/co ... gs-firefox
I think Chrome does not have it's own, separate proxy option and you can only use the system's proxy configuration. I assume an extension would therefore be required, for instance:
https://chrome.google.com/webstore/deta ... pagjcdbjod
I found WireProxy on Github which appears to match exactly the mentioned use case:
"wireproxy is a completely userspace application that connects to a wireguard peer, and exposes a socks5/http proxy or tunnels on the machine. This can be useful if you need to connect to certain sites via a wireguard peer, but can't be bothered to setup a new network interface for whatever reasons."
Or do you see a better way or other tools to solve this in Fatdog?
In order to install WireProxy in Fatdog, would I simply have to install git via Gslapt and then clone the repository locally and build the package as described?
Code: Select all
git clone https://github.com/octeep/wireproxy
cd wireproxy
Appreciate your feedback!