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Dry Falls
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Post by Dry Falls »

Just-Lighthouse64-900.iso and package repo-900.sfs file based on Slackware-64-current (as of Jan 10, 2024).


Download Lighthouse ISO: 659M

Download Lighthouse Package Repo:720 M

build scripts for additional sfs modules such as Devx are located in /root/my-applications/bin,

New support for a and bdrives. However, these should not be confused with the woofCE versions. They serve a different function in Lighthouse.

If there's any interest, I can elucidate further.


Download links now at Just-Lighthouse64-805/900

Last edited by Dry Falls on Wed May 29, 2024 6:03 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Lighthouse64-900

Post by bigpup »

How about a little more info.

What kernel?
What programs are in it?

New support for a and bdrives. However, these should not be confused with the woofCE versions. They serve a different function in Lighthouse.

Please explain?

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
When I was a kid, I wanted to be older.
This is not what I expected :o

Dry Falls
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Re: Lighthouse64-900

Post by Dry Falls »

Hi bigpup. Lighthouse is a modular X11/xorg, no-systemd puppy-like distribution. Except for the package-management, it's closer to a legacy-puppy than a new puppy.

What's included on the iso is voyager.sfs which contains epiphany/webkit browser, mpv, full python (3 and 2), mesa and their various slackware library dependencies. This is a condensation of the base-extra (slackware packages), mesa/vullkan/llvm and Mariner (third party packages like word-processors) sfs addons. Standard puppy packages (apps and jwm) are included in the bdrive and slackware dependencies (such as qt5, ffmpeg, cups/gs, gstreamer) are in the adrive.

The base file alone is cli-only. X11/xorg are in zsbase sfs which will give you a desktop. Between the iso and repo, every other desired sfs can be built. Slackpkg is the default package manager. sboui or sopkg will build package from source from Slackbuilds. Unlike standard puppies, Anything slackware provides is compatible. Everything else can be downloaded or installed with the command <slackpkg install-new>. Help files are in /usr/share/doc.

Some cli apps include calcurse calendar, mpv media player, soma radio, newsboat rss reader, wordgrinder wp, sc-im spreadsheat links and lynx text browsers. With xorg, the default window manager is dwm. The setup provided on the iso also includes jwm, motiff, and twm. With the repo loaded, there are scripts to build and install xfce4, plasma5, lxde, compiz-fusion and lxqt.

The kernel included is k6.1.58. I thought about uploading the kernel sources and may yet, but the build-kit is in the repo and it can be reproduced. The point is I have limited (free) meganz storage space and ungodly slow satellite modem. I'm also thinking of deleting the JL64-805 repo to free up space. It is at thanks to flash. Just haven't decided yet. It would be preferable to have the sfs files pre-built and available.

I keep this up in memory of Tazoc, who was also my isp provider back in the days of dialup.


Dry Falls
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Re: Lighthouse64-900

Post by Dry Falls »

Rebuilt from scratch. Slackware current updated as of Mar11,2024.

New initrd to accommodate overlayfs (boot param: punionfs=overlay). This is experimental.
Renamed zSBASE.sfs xdrv.sfs which seems to make more sense. Kernel-modules.sfs inside initrd.xz as before, but with option to remove it and rename to zdrv.sfs. If this option is used, be sure to replace DISTRO_ZDRVSFS='' to DISTRO_ZDRVSFS='zdrv_JL64_900.sfs' in the DISTRO_SPECS file in the initrd or zdrive won't load (no modules).

Aufs is still the default layering system.

Repo.sfs is now >1 gig so beware downloading it. It contains all the 3rd party packages built in or available to lighthouse. This will not be a problem when I rework the meganz repo. Just not there yet.


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