Visit and download/install f-droid
Use that repo to install termux
Within termux install OpenSSH and set it up so you can run
and are able to ssh into your phone from your laptop. Android adds 8000 to ssh port numbers so its
ssh -p 8022 <ip of phone>
to connect to the phone from your laptop rather than just port 22
I usb tether for that, needed the 'correct' usb cable to be able to tether, my original usb chord was a power/charge lead only, didn't support tethering.
Then in termux
pkg install x11-repo
pkg install termux-x11
pkg install tigervnc
pkg install jwm
pkg install otter-browser
pkg install aterm
and run
vncserver -localhost
enter a password and then kill that vncserver
vncserver -kill :1
Edit ~/.vnc/xstartup and change the twm & last line to just
(with no & background)
and restart vncserver again
vncserver -localhost
Will likely grab DISPLAY :1, which for vnc ports has 5900 added to that, so on your laptop set up a ssh tunnel
ssh -p 8022 -f -N -L 5900:localhost:5901 <ip of phone>
and use vncviewer to access that
vncviewer localhost
Assuming your phone is wifi net connected (or has 'data' turned on), you'll have usual otter browser (that is like Opera) internet access.
Rather than using termux to type commands in such as
DISPLAY=:1 otter-browser &
you can alternatively ssh in and run that via a laptop terminal window
I didn't keep notes, more trial and error so I'm going from memory as to what did eventually work and may have missed things out. I additionally installed fonts and copied across a .jwmrc file to make aterms font size larger. Also for the browser I used a
Code: Select all
QT_SCALE_FACTOR=1.7 GDK_SCALE=2 otter-browser
launch scale factor as otherwise the menu fonts were too small for comfort.
On my phone I can retrieve the phones IP via the Network, tapping the connected wifi item and then Advanced and after a few pages of scrolling the phones IP is shown. Testing download speed and I got 40Mbs throughput (for wifi connected).
The phone doesn't need to have been rooted, however I have just tried to extend /etc/hosts and was blocked from doing that. Everything seemed to work OK in otter until I tried logging into this forum, when a error occurred, might have just been circumstances at the time, maybe something else (more permanent), I need to do more investigating/testing, such as if whether you can also wifi ssh into the phone from the laptop (hotspot) rather than tether via usb, and still have the browser work via wifi internet connection.
I did come across a example somewhat similar to the above but also extended to use scrcpy and adp so that sounds were also conveyed, but I lost that link as part of my trial and error testing.