Consider this a ‘Proof of Concept’.
What to do about a web-browser which will be immediately available to new Users. Perhaps the easiest approach was that previously taken: include a small web-browser. Often Lite-Browser, a fork of firefox, was chosen. But it is now rather old. Fortunately, oscartalks has more recently compiled Netsurf for fossapup, viewtopic.php?p=21655&hilit=netsurf+fossapup#p21655. It weighs in a 1482 Kg, soaking wet. I added a couple things to the config file, and an html and some pngs to /root/my-doucuments. The result is that when it opens that html is its home page, and the text and illustrations explain why and how to obtain web-browsers using one of the provided Bookmarks named “Browsers and Internet - Puppy Linux Discussion Forum”. That Bookmark opens to the Forum’s Section bearing that name.
I don’t know where I could just upload html and pngs so that you can view the effect. So I’ve provided the ‘modified’ pet here, ...
If you don’t care to download and install the pet I think you can see the effect by downloading, and extracting the attached deploy.tar.gz, copying the contents of the ‘my-documents’ folder to /root/my-documents and opening ‘Welcome-to-netsurf.html’ in your default html viewer.
The netsurf folder within ‘deploy’ are my customizations to netsurf’s config files. Installation of the pet would write that folder to /root/.config. Installation of the pet would also make netsurf the default html viewer. [Don’t ask. I didn’t do it. It just happens. ]
As I wrote, this is offered as a Proof of Concept. Something similar could likely be accomplished with ‘Lite’ or any other web-browser. I’ll probably remove the pet from mediafire in a month or so.
I created the html using a bluegriffon AppImage under F-96, my first attempt at creating html files. Someone who know what (s)he’s doing should not hesitate to revise it. Or the text.