The second release of the inOnePup project, 2 Puppy installs where all of Puppy is contained in a single file.
'ffiPup' - Frugal Full Install
'fsiPup' - Frugal Squashfs Install
For details of release and download of 'inOnePup-05.tar', see viewtopic.php?p=112901#p112901
old stuff
Where the "Frugal" in "Frugal Install" relates to the use of disk space,
i.e. it uses just a single directory, not a partition.
Where the "Full" means that in the running Puppy all the files are just there,
there are no ".sfs" files, no "save" mechanisms, and no "whiteout" files.
So FFI is a "Full" install in a single directory, that runs as "pupmode=2".
Here is a screenshot of the "install directory" for JammyPup32:
The "Full" install is in the directory 'upupjj+dfiles'.
The 'local-initrd.gz' contains a replacement 'init' script that builds a slightly odd overlayfs stack.
The upper directory is 'upupjj+dfiles', the work directory is 'work', and the lower directory is 'empty'.
Since the 'empty' directory is in fact empty, all files exist in only the RW layer.
Yes, it actually works.
How to replicate
Do a normal frugal install, (I used FrugalPup on JammyPup32-22.04-231221.iso).
Upack the ".sfs" files in reverse order of the normal stack, i.e. starting with zdrv, like:
Code: Select all
unsquashfs -f zdrv_upupjj+d_22.04.sfs
unsquashfs -f fdrv_upupjj+d_22.04.sfs
unsquashfs -f puppy_upupjj+d_22.04.sfs
unsquashfs -f adrv_upupjj+d_22.04.sfs
(The ".sfs" files can now be deleted.)
Rename 'squashfs-root' to 'upupjj+dfiles', (${DISTRO_FILE_PREFIX}files).
Download 'local-initrd.gz' and move it to the "install directory".
Download 'rc.shutdown.gz', gunzip it and move it to 'upupjj+dfiles/etc/rc.d/rc.shutdown'.
Create empty directories 'empty' and 'work'.
This is just a "proof of concept" release.
If this were to be taken seriously, there would need to be an "install" utility,
although most of this should already be present in current "full install" utilities.
I've always ruled out "Full" installs because I've never been prepared to divide my HD into 1 partition per Puppy.
This approach would put it "back on the table", but I just can't think of any circumstance where it would be more attractive that a staright frugal install.
Current release:
For current release notes see viewtopic.php?p=110303#p110303
Release files are in: