For reference here's the system in question:
What specific Puppy version? Bionicpup32 8.0
Computer make and model or specs? Inspiron 5000
CPU? Pentium 3 - 600,
Memory? system info reports 505024 kB
Graphics hardware? AMD
Network hardware? WLAN
How is Puppy installed? Full on sda2 a 26 G partition on a 40 G IDE drive sda2 created with ext4
It was running fine. Today I find the computer fan running at full speed. The system is extremely slow. Keyboard and mouse are delayed by around 30 seconds.
I finally got LXterminal up and ran top. It was about 30 seconds delay from pressing Enter to seeing any output, but the output itself refreshes at a normal speed. It's not like the terminal is connected by a 300 baud modem.
Load average is under 20%. The top CPU users vary over time and include Xorg, gtkdialog, ps-full, and retrovol.
Any ideas on what caused this failure? I'll try to do an orderly shutdown from the terminal and see if restarting helps.