Fossapup64's Osmo's Markup Problem

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Fossapup64's Osmo's Markup Problem

Post by mikeslr »

Osmo PIM --including its Tasks and Contacts components-- is, AFAIK, fully functional under all Puppys except Fossapup64 and F-96CE. Under those Puppys all components can be displayed. But any effort to add to or edit Tasks or Contacts results in a crash.

I don't think the problem is Osmo's build, but rather something to do with Fossapup64/F-96CE construction of the Markup application. I know nothing about that application.

I ran Osmo via a terminal using the builtin version, a version built for EasyOS-Dunfel and a version built for Bookworm64. IIRC, the results using ozsouth's version for his remastered Fossapup64s' was similar. I should note that I tried starting Osmo both by calling its binary and by calling the Osmo wrapper-script*. Both are found in /usr/bin. And the results were the same.

The following are the terminal print-outs relating to Osmo's crashes:

Fossapup64’s Built-in Osmo:

(osmo:8214): Gtk-WARNING **: 17:04:25.145: Failed to set text from markup due to error parsing markup: Error on line 1 char 26: Invalid UTF-8 encoded text in name — not valid “ 5:04:25 pm \xf2”
sh: play: command not found
Segmentation fault

Imported EasyOS-Dunfel Osmo:

(osmo:6984): Gtk-WARNING **: 12:11:46.693: Failed to set text from markup due to error parsing markup: Error on line 1 char 31: Invalid UTF-8 encoded text in name — not valid “12:11:46 pm \xed9N!V”
Segmentation fault

Imported Bookworm64 Osmo:
(osmo:9689): Gtk-WARNING **: 09:59:13.713: Failed to set text from markup due to error parsing markup: Error on line 1 char 31: Invalid UTF-8 encoded text in name — not valid “ 9:59:13 am \xc0\xb1@˻U”
Segmentation fault

Any ideas?

* It only occurred to me to see if starting via the wrapper would make any difference after testing with the builtin and Bookworm64 import. Running my 'daily' version of Fossapup64 into which the EasyOS-dunfel version was installed generated a terminal printout which showed first the line 1 char 26 Error at startup, then the line 1 char 31 Error just before the Seg fault.

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Re: Fossapup64's Osmo's Markup Problem

Post by mow9902 »

I also run fossapup64 9.6 and am a constant user of osmo. I do not experience any problems with Osmo either adding, deleting or editing tasks. Could it be something else besides the F96 build? Kernel version? ...or something else?

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Re: Fossapup64's Osmo's Markup Problem

Post by mikeslr »

I've had the problem under multiple computers and multiple kernels. I would have assumed the problem was a conflict with some other program. But as noted in my OP, it still showed up on an almost 'virgin' Fossapup64.

One of the reasons for the above qualification is that I've imported records created under older Puppies & Osmo versions and exported from other programs/applications.

Could the error messages be suggesting that the problem results from some symbol in those imported records?

Will take a look tomorrow, 'though not being able to import records would be a Royal PITA.

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Re: Fossapup64's Osmo's Markup Problem

Post by Wiz57 »

I remember a few years ago, was using ScPup 32 that had been released in like 2018 or so????, anyway, Osmo in that ScPup would
crash anytime you added a new contact, the problem was something in ghtml something something...can't remember for sure,
but that was a 32 bit version, not sure if similar issue occurs in 64 bit? I'll have to dig back through my stuff and see if I can
find what it was for certain.

Edit to add: PS...think I found it, it was "libxml2" that was causing crashes in Osmo back in 2019...perhaps someone can see
if this still pops up every now and then.

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Re: Fossapup64's Osmo's Markup Problem

Post by mow9902 »

mikeslr wrote: Thu Dec 21, 2023 12:03 am

I've had the problem under multiple computers and multiple kernels. I would have assumed the problem was a conflict with some other program. But as noted in my OP, it still showed up on an almost 'virgin' Fossapup64.

One of the reasons for the above qualification is that I've imported records created under older Puppies & Osmo versions and exported from other programs/applications.

Could the error messages be suggesting that the problem results from some symbol in those imported records?

Will take a look tomorrow, 'though not being able to import records would be a Royal PITA.

I edited an osmo task and added these 'error' symbols shown by you (\xc0\xb1@˻U ) to both the task name and the description - but still works fine for me.

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Re: Fossapup64's Osmo's Markup Problem

Post by OscarTalks »

I think the "Markup application" in this case is libgtkhtml
The problem was, I believe, found to be that for libxml2 version 2.9.5 or later, libgtkhtml needed to be patched. This has been done by user wdlkmpx on his github, there are patched versions of both libgtkhtml and osmo itself. I think the best solution is to recompile using those. Not sure if anyone else has develpoed things any further since, but I think that some pups more recent than Fossa 9.5 have these patched osmo builds.

There is an old thread with some relevant information here:-
That has links to posts on BarryK's blog which are very helpful. Historically, fixes tried linking older libxml2 to osmo, either statically or using a wrapper script, but I reckon the patching was decided upon as the best solution.

Remember also that you have to stick with osmo-0.2.10 in order to have the "Contacts" module (tab) with libgtkhtml as the dependency. Personally I have never used "Contacts" so I am happy to have a later osmo without this feature.

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Re: Fossapup64's Osmo's Markup Problem

Post by OscarTalks »

Attached is a .pet for Fossa 9.5 which Mike and/or others may wish to test.
Compiled from the patched libgtkhtml and osmo sources from wdlkmpx
Installs the new libgtkhtml in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
The post-install script in the .pet deletes the old libgtkhtml from /usr/lib
The old osmo executable is overwritten by the new one in /usr/bin

Tested briefly in a fresh virgin boot of Fossa 9.5
The included osmo crashes as soon as I try to create a contact
After click-intalling this .pet, I am able to create a new contact and then go back and edit the contact.
People who use these features will be in a better position to test more extensively.

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Re: Fossapup64's Osmo's Markup Problem

Post by OscarTalks »

mikeslr wrote: Wed Dec 20, 2023 5:46 pm

Any ideas?

Hello mikeslr,

I was just wondering if any progress has been made with this issue? In my own tests I did not get any crashes in F-96 when adding and editing. I was under the impression that this pup already had a version that was patched to fix the original crash problem that was reported by a number of people.

In FossaPup 9.5 the crash does happen but in terminal I only see "segmentation fault" and not the errors that you are now reporting. Be aware also that if you apply the FossaPup updates (via quickpet or whatever), then the "" (which I believe 666phil made) gets installed as one of the system updates. This .pet has a different mechanism for applying a fix. It installs an older libxml2 which in turn also requires some older ICU libraries. These are installed in /usr/lib/osmo which therefore becomes quite a large extra directory. I did wonder if the mention of UTF-8 errors could be related to those ICU libs, but I am not sure about that, just a vague suspicion.

Anyway, if the patched versions or the other osmo-fix are all working for everyone else and nobody else has reported the same errors as you, then I suppose we would have to begin to suspect that the imported data that you mentioned may in fact be responsible for what you are experiencing. Maybe test in a fresh virgin boot with patched or fixed osmo and see if you can do anything to cause a crash by creating/editing new tasks and contacts but without importing your bundle of old data.

EDIT:- No reply after several days. I presume this is resolved or nobody else is having problems. I will leave the above attachment in case it is helpful, but remember that the osmo-fix in fossapup updates may overwrite it anyway, so it is just something to use as a test tool if anyone still needs to do that.

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