Screen Paint Tool?

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Screen Paint Tool?

Post by Neo_78 »

Do we have a tool in FatDog to paint, comment and mark the desktop and opened programs and take screenshots for documentation purposes?

For example, something similar like ScreenPen?

Thanks for your feedback! :thumbup:

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Re: Screen Paint Tool?

Post by dr__Dan »

@Neo_78, it isn't the same exactly, but have you used the xscreenshot utility included with Fatdog64? That plus mtpaint or gimp would match the concept as it is described for "Windows", but not do the same as in Linux. In a terminal, xscreenshot -h for the basics. The default key is PrtScr. See also

I hope that is useful.


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Re: Screen Paint Tool?

Post by fatdoguser »

mtpaint FILE, ACTIONS, TIME DELAYED SCREENSHOT leaves enough time for that mtpaint window to be minimized to leave it taking a screenshot of the entire desktop, that once taken you can use mtpaints features to edit/clip/resize/draw/annotate ..etc. the image.

You can run mtpaint -s from the command line to take a screenshot, but that's instant so for a delayed screenshot you can use something like

Code: Select all

sleep 5;mtpaint -s
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Re: Screen Paint Tool?

Post by MochiMoppel »

Neo_78 wrote: Fri Dec 15, 2023 10:21 pm

Do we have a tool in FatDog to paint, comment and mark the desktop and opened programs and take screenshots for documentation purposes?

Don't know about Fatdog and it also sounds weird to paint and mark a desktop and then take a screenshot. Normally it's done the other way round and maybe that's what you mean.

But funny as it may sound it can be done. I recently came across Flameshot, a "powerful yet simple to use screenshot software", mentioned by @Jasper here
It's only one small binary that works very well in Bookworm64 and has the amazing ability to make annotations on the screen without actually taking a screenshot (though this of course is the ultimate purpose). The attached screenshot - eventually taken with mtpaint - was done this way. The trick is to enlarge the selection to the whole screen (Ctrl+A)), which leaves a set of tools at the screen edge. Unlike in mtpaint the added lines, texts, markers are all objects which can be selected and moved around even after initial placement.

flameshot.png (40.17 KiB) Viewed 909 times

P.S. Jasper's pet amounts to 515K and the included (stripped) binary being 1819K
Flameshot's website offers the tool as an appimage, amounting to 50M, with the (unstripped) binary being 57M :o

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Re: Screen Paint Tool?

Post by JakeSFR »

Neo_78 wrote:

Do we have a tool in FatDog to paint, comment and mark the desktop and opened programs and take screenshots for documentation purposes?

Yes, we have. It's very simple, but still:

Code: Select all

 # xannotate -h
Usage: xannotate [-k key] [-w width] [-e width] [-p path] [-n index]
                 [-123 colour]
Copyright (C) James Budiono, 2014. License: GPL version 3.0 or later

 -h       : this text
 -k key   : use 'key' as the hotkey (default is 'Pause')
 -w width : use 'width' as the default pen width (default is 5)
 -e width : use 'width' as the default eraser width (default is 20)
 -p path  : path/filename for screenshot (default is $HOME/xannotate)
 -a       : enable alpha for use with XRENDER composite. You must be running
            an X composite manager (xcompmgr, compton, kwin) for this to work.
 -1 colour: colour for pen1 (default red)
 -2 colour: colour for pen2 (default green)
 -3 colour: colour for pen2 (default blue)
# xannotate 
--- Key usage ---
Pause            - toggle draw/cursor mode
Shift-Pause      - show/hide drawing
Ctrl-Pause       - clear drawing
Ctrl-Shift-Pause - exit
Alt-Shift-Pause  - screenshot
--- Mouse usage ---
Left-click  - pen: press to start, move to draw, release to stop
Right-click - eraser: press to start, move to erase, release to stop
Shift-Left-click    - switch pen
clear drawing
MochiMoppel wrote:

Flameshot's website offers the tool as an appimage, amounting to 50M, with the (unstripped) binary being 57M :o

We have it in repo (640K compressed).


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