Fossa64 my Ip adress changes? (SOLVED)

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Fossa64 my Ip adress changes? (SOLVED)

Post by peppyy »

SOLVED. My computer was connecting to my wireless printer. Disabled wireless on the printer and all is well.

So, after I setup up my printer sharing with port 9100 I have found that when I walk away from my computer and come back, that I can no longer get online. It changes my IP adress to a completely different subnet and user address. like, to something like, I will write it down next time before I reboot. My question is?

This has happened since I installed and shared our printer on my Wife's machine and used the "Samba Simple Management" on my computer.
I also installed the p910nd server which allowed me to connect to the printer without any issues, Epson-et2760, Thanks @mikewalsh I also upgraded to Peasy Firewall monitor.
This happened this morning when I was setting up Samba shares so my wife and I could share a folder. It seems that this is timed to wait until my computer is not used for a certain amount of time. I also find that thss happens whenever I use Palemoon, (logged in on FF to post this).
Here is the network report from PupSysInfo

▶—— Network Report ——◀

Firewall: Off (ip_tables not active)
Network Interface: wlan0
Wireless Network: HBH
Bit Rate=104 Mb/s Tx-Power=20 dBm
Link Quality=64/70 Signal=-46 dBm
Wireless strength: 91%

Session Data: Received 29.3 MB, Sent 2.1 MB
Monthly Data: Received 7941 MB, Sent 692 MB

Hostname: fossapup2021
Network IP Address:
Domain Name Server (DNS):
Hardware Address (MAC): 00:24:01:32:6B:43

▶TCP/IP Network Interfaces:

lo Link encap:Local Loopback
inet addr: Mask:
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:24:01:32:6B:43
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
RX packets:27135 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:14152 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:30816240 (29.3 MiB) TX bytes:2240816 (2.1 MiB)

▶Kernel IP Routing Table:

Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface UG 302 0 0 wlan0 U 0 0 0 lo U 302 0 0 wlan0

▶Active Internet Connections: (servers and established)

Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State

tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN

▶Network Protocol Statistics:

Forwarding: 2
27000 total packets received
0 forwarded
0 incoming packets discarded
26148 incoming packets delivered
13949 requests sent out

1 ICMP messages received
0 input ICMP message failed
ICMP input histogram:
echo replies: 1
15 ICMP messages sent
0 ICMP messages failed
ICMP output histogram:
destination unreachable: 14
echo requests: 1

InType0: 1
OutType3: 14
OutType8: 1

92 active connection openings
0 passive connection openings
0 failed connection attempts
1 connection resets received
2 connections established
16065 segments received
11635 segments sent out
8 segments retransmitted
0 bad segments received
643 resets sent

10062 packets received
14 packets to unknown port received
0 packet receive errors
2361 packets sent
0 receive buffer errors
0 send buffer errors
IgnoredMulti: 6


43 TCP sockets finished time wait in fast timer
20 delayed acks sent
Quick ack mode was activated 2 times
11729 packet headers predicted
430 acknowledgments not containing data payload received
1160 predicted acknowledgments
TCPTimeouts: 1
TCPLossProbes: 7
TCPBacklogCoalesce: 40
32 connections reset due to unexpected data
TCPDSACKIgnoredNoUndo: 3
IPReversePathFilter: 2
TCPRcvCoalesce: 4135
TCPOFOQueue: 1039
TCPAutoCorking: 171
TCPSynRetrans: 1
TCPOrigDataSent: 1817
TCPKeepAlive: 121
TCPDelivered: 1845
TCPAckCompressed: 656

InBcastPkts: 6
InOctets: 30430329
OutOctets: 1751237
InBcastOctets: 1458
InNoECTPkts: 27000

And this is the report from PeasyFirewall.

-> Linux Firewall version 2.0rc9 running.
-> Performing sanity checks...... [ PASSED ]
-> Building firewall.... [ DONE ]
-> Successfully secured the following addresses:

You can now share services with any host on your local network

This is after a reboot to my reserved IP adress.
Any ideas what is happening?

Last edited by peppyy on Fri Dec 15, 2023 6:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Fossa64 my Ip adress changes?

Post by mikewalsh »

@peppyy :-

Just clarify one thing for me, can you? What do you mean when you say a "reserved" IP address? It's the terminology I'm not familiar with; for all I know, you may be talking about something which I know under a different name...

AFAICT, according to your network report you look to have the 'static' addy set-up perfectly, so.....I'm at a bit of a loss to understand what the problem is. Do I take it that printing is still OK, but now your Samba stuff isn't working?

Could be the Samba config needs re-setting. But that's something I only have a very sketchy memory of how it all works...

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Re: Fossa64 my Ip adress changes?

Post by Clarity »

Hi @mikewalsh

This term is usually seen in router docs and setup notations. It allow the router to "reserve" an ID within the DHCP pool for a specific LAN unit. For example a SAMBA server, or a webserver, or etc. This way, use of this mechanism is when the PC powers up and request its IP, the router (or some DHCP server) KNOWS to assign the designated reserved IP to that unit. It is 4 decades old in implementation and is designed to centralize IP address management in one common place on one's LAN.

Hope that is helpful

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Re: Fossa64 my Ip adress changes?

Post by bigpup »

Is this something to do with your issue?

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
When I was a kid, I wanted to be older.
This is not what I expected :o

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Re: Fossa64 my Ip adress changes?

Post by mikewalsh »

@Clarity :-

Ha. Cheers for that. You got me bad thing, as far as networking is concerned; it's never been one of my strong points.

I see that DHCP "reservation" is essentially the same as creating 'static' IP addresses. Difference being that a 'static' IP addy tends to be set-up on a per-individual device basis, whereas the DHCP 'reservation' system can be managed centrally, from your router's web control panel...

Ta for the info. That's summat new I've learnt today! :thumbup:

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Re: Fossa64 my Ip adress changes?

Post by peppyy »

I tried setting the computers to an address below and the router didn't allow an internet connection. This Dlink router has way to many configurations for me to make any sense of. It also appears that it does not save the changes correctly. it is a Dlink DIR-655 and is no longer listed in their product pages 2004-2011. Here is a screenshot of the DHCP reservation interface, today after a reboot, since I could not access the router from the address my computer had.

router-reserve.jpg (97.17 KiB) Viewed 1269 times

Note that says they were already expired last year. Perhaps it has EOL built in?
Notice the list is now blank. I had set both computers up with the enabled box checked and saved changes.
Maybe I know why it was 5 bucks at a yard sale now? :roll:

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Re: Fossa64 my Ip adress changes?

Post by peppyy »

@d-pupp I have twice enabled reserve, set the reserves for both our computers and saved the changes.

I was able to get the clock set through Dlink's time server so it isn't a off by over a year. Since I did that it no longer lists the device names / hostnames, just the ip and the mac addresses. Other than that, I haven't had any noticeable issues with it since this morning.

Net-addresses.jpg (24.36 KiB) Viewed 1223 times

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Re: Fossa64 my Ip adress changes?

Post by d-pupp »

@peppyy I deleted my post I was still thinking about the printing when I answered. Sorry
When I reread your first post I saw my error.
The clock being off would most certainly cause the problem you described.

Glad you got it all working.

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Re: Fossa64 my Ip adress changes?

Post by peppyy »

@d-pupp Thanks for your post and questions. I still haven't been able to reserve ip connections on this router but I am getting closer ;)

We will see what happens when I reboot in the morning. Hopefully everything will be back to normal.

@bigpup Yes, that is what my router is supposed to do. Interestingly it doesn't allow you to use any unassigned addresses without adding port forwarding.


I see that DHCP "reservation" is essentially the same as creating 'static' IP addresses.

I never thought of this either until I saw it in this router. It has more Greek in it than any other router I have ever used. I can only what a 2023 router has in it.

This term is usually seen in router docs and setup notations. It allow the router to "reserve" an ID within the DHCP pool for a specific LAN unit. For example a SAMBA server, or a webserver, or etc. This way, use of this mechanism is when the PC powers up and request its IP, the router (or some DHCP server) KNOWS to assign the designated reserved IP to that unit. It is 4 decades old in implementation and is designed to centralize IP address management in one common place on one's LAN.

I wonder why when I set another address in the client machine that was out of the DHCP range, it allowed local but not internet? I actually found this in the almost help section of my router today.

Your D-Link router uses for the IP address. You've assigned a computer that you want to designate as a Web server with a static IP address of You've assigned another computer that you want to designate as an FTP server with a static IP address of Therefore the starting IP address for your DHCP IP address range needs to be or greater.
Suppose you configure the DHCP Server to manage addresses From To This means that to and to are NOT managed by the DHCP Server. Computers or devices that use addresses from these ranges are to be manually configured. Suppose you have a web server computer that has a manually configured address of Because this falls within the "managed range" be sure to create a reservation for this address and match it to the relevant computer (see Static DHCP Client below).

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Re: Fossa64 my Ip adress changes?

Post by d-pupp »

@peppyy The way a reservation works is the dhcp server holds an address in the range it is managing.
In your case 100 to 199

It will not assign that address any other device. It uses the MAC address for that.
All other addresses it manages will be leased out. The Lease time in your case 24 hours (if I did the math correctly 1440 min)

The dhcp server doesn't just mange ip address it also manages the default gateway address and the DNS addresses.
Without the gateway address in your case, you can't access the Internet
Without the DNS address you can't resolve any uri to ip address
IE if you type it is the DNS server that resolves that into an ip address for the google server.

Hope that helps

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Re: Fossa64 my Ip adress changes?

Post by Clarity »

@peppyy,you wrote:

... I wonder why when I set another address in the client machine that was out of the DHCP range, it allowed local but not internet? I actually found this in the almost help section of my router today. ...

In this case, you're NOT using the feature that a router provides on the LAN. Instead, you are taking, into your hands directly on this PC, to properly provide the LAN credentials necessary for its navigation. Doing so is known as "static assignment" on a particular LAN device.

Hope this is helpful.

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Re: Fossa64 my Ip adress changes?

Post by Phoenix »

The address change does not suggest any sort of auto reassignment by the local router. Are you sure you are not simply having automatic switching to another network?

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Re: Fossa64 my Ip adress changes?

Post by peppyy »


When I set up a static IP say on my computer without using DHCP, I can only connect to the local network. This would say that the router
LAN address is not forwarding to the wan address or gateway, correct?

Our isp is a fiber connection which runs to our router with a cat6 cable. The gateway on the router connects to the wan via dhcp. I believe the lease on that is 24 hours. I have only seen it change the provider's address after they have a system upgrade.

The only time I can't access the internet is when I set a static address on my computer.

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Re: Fossa64 my Ip adress changes?

Post by d-pupp »


The only time I can't access the internet is when I set a static address on my computer

That makes sense. You would also have to manually set the default gateway and DNS addresses

The only thing I can think of that would cause your ip address to change is if your pc was talking to another wireless network router near by and getting a ip form it's dhcp pool. It would have to be an open network with no security.
Is that possible?

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Re: Fossa64 my Ip adress changes?

Post by mikewalsh »

@peppyy :-

peppyy wrote: Thu Dec 14, 2023 2:04 pm

When I set up a static IP say on my computer without using DHCP, I can only connect to the local network. This would say that the router
LAN address is not forwarding to the wan address or gateway, correct?

At a guess, it sounds like when you set-up the static address, you didn't get the router's IP addy (the default 'gateway') entered correctly. Without the gateway IP being correct, your LAN (home network) won't be able to connect to the WAN (internet).

When setting-up using DHCP, this info is retrieved automatically. When setting-up a 'static' IP addy, everything is entered manually by the you HAVE to get it absolutely right. Can't even have extraneous "." in the wrong place; the format MUST be

Code: Select all

(No "." at the end, for instance. Even that will throw a spanner in the works.)

Just out of curiosity, what readout does it return if you type

Code: Select all

ip route

.....into the terminal, and hit 'Enter'?

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Re: Fossa64 my Ip adress changes?

Post by peppyy »

ip route
default via dev wlan0 metric 302 dev lo scope link dev wlan0 proto kernel scope link src metric 302

That being said, I believe I have solved the mystery for my address. I had turned on the wifi on our new printer. When my lease from my router expired, Frisbie automatically connected me to the next available source, the printer. Now I have shut the wifi off on the printer. Interestingly it happened at the same time of day so I connected to my router again and reserved my ip address. It doesn't show reserved addresses after it has cycled the lease.
Network screen

desktop(16).jpg (47.98 KiB) Viewed 1132 times

I haven't seen my wife's computer listed there since I reserved hers at .100 so hopefully it is as good as a static ip.

Her ip and mac address show up in status and I have determined than once it is on a reserved address it no longer shows the hostname. My beecam at .64 shows no name. My computer still shows everything,( I believe until it cycles.) Livingroom is the roku which is dhcp.
Status screen

desktop(17).jpg (23.77 KiB) Viewed 1132 times
Last edited by peppyy on Fri Dec 15, 2023 6:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Fossa64 my Ip adress changes?

Post by peppyy »

d-pupp wrote: Thu Dec 14, 2023 4:42 pm


The only time I can't access the internet is when I set a static address on my computer

That makes sense. You would also have to manually set the default gateway and DNS addresses

The only thing I can think of that would cause your ip address to change is if your pc was talking to another wireless network router near by and getting a ip form it's dhcp pool. It would have to be an open network with no security.
Is that possible?

You are correct. I found that when my lease was renewed that Frisbee sent me to the next available connection. This was our new printer. I had turned the wireless on and connected to directly. Frisbee had saved the IP address and password and had also set it to automatically connect. Hence the odd IP address. (See post above)
Edited for spelling

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Re: Fossa64 my Ip adress changes?

Post by Clarity »

Please post the results of this terminal command ip address for review.


  • And you router see a unit at ... what is that?

  • And which of the LAN units you have are wireless?

  • Is you PC, which uses wireless, using 2.4Ghz or 5Ghz? I am not sure if your $5 router supports 5Ghz.

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Re: Fossa64 my Ip adress changes? (SOLVED)

Post by peppyy »


ip address
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
inet scope host lo
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: wlan0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP group default qlen 1000
link/ether 00:24:01:32:6b:43 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet brd scope global wlan0
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

I figured out what was happening. I had turned the wireless on on our new printer. ... 89#p105889

According to my router I am connected 5Ghz. I know my upload speeds exceed 60mb/sec. is my Wife's computer with the printer connected. I access it through the P10nd server at port 9100.

Thanks to everyone for all the help.

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