Bookworm Pup64 10.0.3 booting via ozsouth's CD or DVD

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Bookworm Pup64 10.0.3 booting via ozsouth's CD or DVD

Post by oldaolgeezer »

I have been looking at all the forum activity with Bookworm Pup64 10.0.3
but until recently it has been too technical for an oldgeezer like me.

Recently, I saw a post suggesting that rockedge make Bookworm (because of its
now polished code) to be an official release on
Thanks to radky, dimkr, rockedge, ozsouth and many others for Puppy Bookworm.

Recently ozsouth made a version of BookwormPup64 10.0.3 to fit on a CD (or DVD):
I thought I could now give it a try because booting via a CD (or DVD)
was familar to me (instead of me trying to boot with Rufus, QEMU, SG2D,
ISObooter or Ventoy etc.)

I decided to use my old HP G70-463CL laptop 4 GB of RAM with no disk drives
and a 32 GB SDcard (formatted fat32 and had already about eight bootable
Puppy versions each in their own folder.)

I removed my 32 GB SDcard and booted ozsouth's version of
BookwormPup64 10.0.3 from a DVD and it booted fine on my HP G70-463CL laptop.

I tried a number of successful Puppy tests and decided to expand the ISO
from my DVD and copy the files onto a Bookworm directory onto my
old 32 GB SDcard and begin booting the old fashion way via grub4dos
on my 32 GB SDcard (I use an SDcard rather than a flash drive to free up
a USB port for a wired mouse and/or other USB flash drives.)

my menu.lst file's entry looks like this:
#this is for a blank line

title Puppy Bookworm 64-bit (sda1/Bookworm)
find --set-root --ignore-floppies --ignore-cd /Bookworm/initrd.gz
kernel /Bookworm/vmlinuz psubdir=Bookworm pmedia=usbflash pfix=nocopy,fsck
initrd /Bookworm/initrd.gz

#this is for a blank line

my Bookworm folder on my 32 GB SDcard has the following files (copied from
the ISO on my DVD (I omitted a few files which were just for UEFI PC's):
# ls -1A



A mystery during my preparation (which was later solved):

During the eventual successful above process, I encountered a mystery
which shows how little I know about the inner workings of Linux
and Puppy:

I was interrupted several times for family duties during the process of
preparing and copying the DVD ISO files to my SDcard. (Because I found
that my old SDcard was too full to hold the Bookworm ISO and its save file,
I decided to delete three of my older Puppy bootable folders to make room.)
But I found when I booted from my PC SDcard with fossapup64, that my SDcard's
Puppy folders were "read only" even to root and couldn't be deleted !

I searched the web for help and didn't find any help that worked (lots
of mentioning Linux lsattr and chattr commands.)
One website mentioned such files might have been mounted over a different
file and that it couldn't be deleted later by a different Linux OS...
So I rebooted my PC from just the Bookworm DVD and it had no trouble deleting
the three folders. I then shutdown and rebooted via my SDcard and
fossapup64 and mounted my Bookworm DVD and expanded its ISO and copied
over the new Bookworm files.
Thinking back, I suspected I caused this problem by accidentally unplugging my SDcard
while running Puppy from the DVD (I know never to do that, but I had removed
my SDcard several times during that day and lost track of when it was still mounted ! )


Patient: Doctor, it hurts when I remove my SDcard without unmounting it !
Doctor: Then, don't do that !

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