Where is Brave browser portable cache?

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Where is Brave browser portable cache?

Post by bigphil »

Hi all,
I'm running the Brave Portable browser under Fossapup64.
Does anyone know where the cache is and can you move it out of the savefile as you can with Firefox and Palemoon?
If not how do you clear the cache from the browser?


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Re: Where is Brave browser portable cache?

Post by mikewalsh »

@bigphil :-

Okey-doke. Well, under normal circumstances, the standard installation would create both .config AND .cache directories.....very much like the 'zilla browsers do. However, what the 'portables' do is to create their cache directory within the "profile".

@Marv came up with a snippet of code to take care of this:-

Code: Select all

rm -rf $HERE/PROFILE/Default/Cache/*

He uses this in Ungoogled Chromium, 'cos one of the differences between this and Chrome itself is that Chrome can clear its cache.....but Ungoogled Chromium can't, since it's all part & parcel of one of the many Google-specific APIs that are missing in this browser. You just tack this onto the end of the 'LAUNCH' script.

I dressed it up a bit with a wee YAD GUI, which asks you if you want to clear the cache or not.....like this:-

Code: Select all

yad --undecorated --center --text="                        Do you wish to clear the Chromium cache? " \
--button="YES PLEASE - clear cache":2 \
--button="NO THANKS - don't clear cache":1 \
[[ $foo -eq 1 ]] && exit 0
if [[ $foo -eq 2 ]]; then
rm -rf $HERE/PROFILE/Default/Cache/*
/usr/lib/gtkdialog/box_splash -placement top -bg "#07FE18" -fg black -timeout 5 -text "   ~~~ CACHE CLEARED! ~~~" && exit 0

Just edit it to read 'Brave' or 'Brave-browser' in place of where the above says 'Chromium'. This pops-up the instant the browser closes, so you get the choice immediately.

Let me know if that works for you. It should; just make sure to leave a blank line between it and the end of the main script when you add it.

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Re: Where is Brave browser portable cache?

Post by bigphil »

Mike - thanks for the info however it didn't work.

I then found the cache here-

so I modify this path '/PROFILE/Default/Cache' to the above path and it worked.

Regards Phil.

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Re: Where is Brave browser portable cache?

Post by mikewalsh »

@bigphil :-

Yeah. My bad; sorry about that! Perhaps I should have mentioned you would probably need to modify the given $PATH, but I rather thought that went without saying.....

Anyways; glad to hear it works for you.

Mike. :thumbup:

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