Session, Signal/Molly, Telegram, Discord, Element/Matrix, Keybase, and Jitsi are the programs I use to communicate most with other people.
I'm trying to make Puppy/something Puppylike my daily driver again, and I need to get those running well to do that.
From Bookworm, I got Session running from the terminal. When I tried to close the terminal and leave Session open, it started opening dozens? thousands? of blank windows on my desktop, and I ended up hard powering off.
From Easy OS, I used the AppImage downloader to get Discord. It wanted me to download an update into the downloads folder, and I got lost.
Which Puppy/Puppylike distro is going to run Session, Signal/Molly, Telegram, Discord, Element/Matrix, Keybase, and Jitsi the best, most easily and reliably, preferably all at the same time, and how-to do that?