How to toggle PC between 2 wifi networks?

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How to toggle PC between 2 wifi networks?

Post by boof »

wifi my pc needs to use 2 independent LANsi don't want to share. how can i have 2 selectable configurations and switch between them? i prob need to swap priorities and have autoconnect.?

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Re: How to toggle PC between 2 wifi networks?

Post by rerwin »


[edit] Now I see that you mean wireless connections to the LANs. Maybe my reply below would work with separate wifi cards. With the same wifi card/interface, changing LANs/networks is more complicated in that you would need to set up the connection and passphrase each time you switch. I am open to making a change to make the switching simpler.[/edit]

Assuming you use separate wired network cards for the two LANs, I think SNS 3.3.1 can handle that.

That version of SNS prioritizes the top connection listed. To make a connection the top in the list, just select it under the "Interfaces" tab.

Although F64 has an older version, SNS 3.3.1 is available here:

Please use that thread for further discussion of your use of SNS for this.


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Re: How to toggle PC between 2 wifi networks?

Post by boof »

i'm running out of usb ports to mount wifi devices, but if i need 2 ok. can i then swap devices to change networks, partic if same driver, or do i have to create new config file at each swap? thx for idea.

this has to be wireless for both LANs.. one for the www, and one for my droid, unless one will do both. i wanted the droid one isolated from the www at the router. i'm not able to remotely turn off the NBN modem, tho' i could get a wifi controlled switch.
current wifi adapter realtek MT7601U.

i've lost the spot password i changed. i re-run setup, uncheck use spot for internet apps exit with save and cold restart. that may clear it, ori could change users on the pet file.
changing users worked, but no interface detected, and no network.

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Re: How to toggle PC between 2 wifi networks?

Post by rerwin »

boof wrote: Sat Oct 07, 2023 6:04 am

i'm running out of usb ports to mount wifi devices, but if i need 2 ok. can i then swap devices to change networks, partic if same driver, or do i have to create new config file at each swap? thx for idea.

I think I am over-complicating the situation. You should be able to use only one wifi interface.

this has to be wireless for both LANs.. one for the www, and one for my droid, unless one will do both. i wanted the droid one isolated from the www at the router.

Are you using a separate router for each LAN or are you supporting both LANs/networks on the same router? Don't you need a separate wireless access point (WAP) for the second LAN? I suppose you could use a "guest" network for the www connection, which would prevent access by your PC to the rest of the LAN.

But to isolate the local (droid?) LAN from the internet, you would need a separate wifi router for, say, connection to only the internet modem.

For switching between wireless networks, if you set up a profile (configuration) for each of the "LANs", with the last specified being what should get automatically started upon reconnection, then you could switch by merely selecting, in the SNS (3.x) window, one of the two profiles and connecting.

Does all that seem reasonable? Separate routers and profiles?

i've lost the spot password i changed. i re-run setup, uncheck use spot for internet apps exit with save and cold restart. that may clear it, ori could change users on the pet file.
changing users worked, but no interface detected, and no network.

Not sure I can help you with that.


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