bigpup wrote: Mon May 31, 2021 3:40 am
This is going to depend on the specific version of Puppy and the version of these two programs.
You are consistent on that line and usually right about it.
If the background isn't a dead giveaway, that is the Battleshooter XFCE Xenial 64 puplet, the most current XFCE puplet that I am aware of (i.e., I'd probably look at a newer 64 alt-desktop puplet if one existed besides LXDE or Slackware).
I'm 32-bit right now or I'd report versions.
Your SS-Control graphic details look familiar hence the version could be same.
'Course that's the one big difference between ssc and pupX, increment control.
pupX has always seemed to me like a work-in-progress or a project that's been deliberately truncated, but it works and has the increment advantage.
The problem is conjunction with other screen savers.
X-Tahr has screener which is better than both, but it's not popular enough for common knowledge.
The screener core is just a script though it requires other files. I'm going to attempt to hack it into JWM, though I've only seen it 32-bit. ... 175690875/
This is the contents of ss-on:
Does it support manual times of different increments?
I tried to do that with menu row height in JWM (only supporting increments of 8), and it blew up -- no menus with row height set to 20.
Then the other technicality: how would this setting interact with pupX?
Logically one screensaver would need to dominate or functionally reflect what both gui make for settings, e.g., if pupX is set to 60 seconds and ssc 5 minutes, the screen should blank in 60 seconds. OR, if one saver is off and the other on, EITHER on saver should work as set.