I found this post which appears to be very thorough:https://chrisx.xyz/blog/yet-another-fir ... ing-guide/. One of the things I liked about the post was the explanations for the recommendations.
Chris Xiao, the author, recommends the addon uBlock origin. Consistent with his providing the reasons for his advice he add, "If you want to customize it, please refer to the official wiki: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/wiki".
I have a couple of question, mostly about whether some recommendations may be "too thorough". These have to do with whether I will be so successful that my bank won't recognize me. But I need to take a break so I'll get back probably tomorrow.
In the meantime, if you try to implement the recommendations you may find it helpful to open one firefox browser tab to the article and another to "about:config". One thing had me stumped for a while. The recommendation may be to change something from "false" to "true" or vice-versa; but the display was to "boolean" and two other choices. Click the "+" at the far right.
One of the reasons I think the article was thorough is because even though I had made some choices using "preferences" I was surprised that when examining the settings thru about:config, that my choices hadn't made changes --or all relevant changes-- I had expected.
If you're using a firefox portable, it's easy to setup two instances: one for general browsing and the other for secure transactions. Portables are started via a script "ff" within firefox's folder, which creates (if absent) a folder named profile within firefox's own folder and will subsequently use settings, addons, etc. stored in that folder. The script reads:
#LAUNCHDIR="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")"; pwd)"
LAUNCHDIR="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")"
mkdir "$LAUNCHDIR/profile" 2> /dev/null
Create a duplicate of that script under a different name, maybe "ffx", and change the above words in blue to, maybe, secured.
With a little more work, you can create usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop files for both profiles: i.e., one named firefox which will call "ff"; the other named, maybe, firefox-secured which will call "ffx". desktop files are what generate menu entries; but can also be dragged to the desktop or added to a panel launcher.