greengeeks' recent post about QWinFF reminded me that in some now old Puppys there was a builtin application named FFConvert. shinobar developed and maintained it. It is still available from here, But, as it's small enough to be included as an attachment under this Forum's more generous size restrictions, I've attached a copy of the last version.
Examination reveals that the only executables are bash-scripts. Consequently it is "No-Arch" and should run under any Puppy whether 32-bit or 64-bit: e.g. seems to run fine under Bionicpup64.
However, it has not be updated since 2014. So, you can't expect it to be able to handle --make use of or generate-- any codec or container not then current. For example, mkv is not recognized. However, under the "Preset" Tab a choice to select "User Defined" exists. Someone who knows what (s)he is doing may be able to extend its capabilities. Better yet, perhaps someone could publish an updated version.