Hi Barry et al,
I post this from the latest version of EasyOS - Kirkstone 5.4.10.
I just installed Ungoogled-Chromium from a flatpak and it went well.
The more I use the EasyOs series the more impressed I am with this style of OS implementation.
Clearly, EasyOS is unique and my hat is off to Barry and others that have made this possible.
As EasyOS is, "JWM" is my favorite "stacking" WM. However, I have moved on and now prefer "tiling" WMs.
One may wonder what the attraction is for a "tiling" wm?
Simply stated, for me, it would be much much less time spent using the mouse and more efficient use of display space.
My favorites would be the "Awesome" WM with "i3" and "qtile" as a distant second and third.
As an example, here is a screenshot I posted to the Antix forum using Awesome.
https://www.antixforum.com/wp-content/u ... wesome.png
Ergo, I am wondering what it would take to implement an EasyOS pup with an alternate window manager?
Or maybe an EasyOS with an option of either JWM and a "tiling" WM.
I look forward to all feedback and suggestions on the possibility of extending EasyOS in a new direction.