Hi my EasyOs 5.2 installed to fast Sdcard 64GB card in a USB 3.1 USB adaptor Rufus img/iso installer program creates a 7Mb vFat boot partition and uses the remaining for a 57.9Gb ext 4 partition
can i via Gparted decrease the size of the 57.9Gb partition by say 10Gb and create another NTFS partition with the 10G space. Dont want to lose anything as i have spend many hours getting it all running how i like. After installing 10-20 times testing breaking. etc etc
Ps i edited limine.cfg timeout from 10 to now 2 to see if i could shave off a few seconds, mine boots from pressing select drive in bios to desktop in about 29 secs now so pretty fast
I am enjoying EasyOs so much its unbelievable how well it runs, the occasion glitch when i loose USB function no mouse/pad/keybord, replug mouse into next usb slot exit to commandline xwin brings back mouse working in orig slot, NO keyboard, reboot sorts out tho.