There have been many desktop recorder apps for Puppy, that have come and gone over the years.
EasyCast is one of them. It is based on Drec (Dpuprec) created by gposil. Argolance enhanced it and named it EasyCast.
That all happened many years ago, reported on the old forum.
I have further enhanced EasyCast, specifically to run on EasyOS, and the version is now 2.0. Blog report here: ... rding.html
EasyCast requires 'recordmydesktop', a CLI utility. Current version is 0.5.1: ... edded.html
The EasyCast PET is here: ...
When I say it is developed for EasyOS, that is not intrinsically so. I was a bit lazy not trying to make it generic for all pups. For example, used the 'popup' utility, whereas something else such as gtkdialog could have been used.
So if anyone is interested in generalizing it for other pups, you are welcome.
I mentioned in the blog post that it had a couple of issues.
I was using recordmydesktop version 0.4.0 at the time, so perhaps the problem of artifacts left on the screen might have been fixed. Or it might be due to the particular video driver. Or the FPS.
The problem with background hum in the audio recording was due to my cheap microphone.