I tried to update my Daedalus from to 6.5.5, but I got this message:
It made me look at the contents of my sda1 partition, where the OS's are installed, and some of them are shockingly large!
Sda1 19.5 Gb ext4
bookworm 967 MB unmodified (miserable Puppy, will be removed)
daedalus 6471 Mb The kept in dir after installation, plus added packages
easypup-2.5.1 2537 Mb added only Vivaldi, Xpad, Xpdf
puppy-tahr64 2687 Mb heavily modified hrough many years
scarthgap 4631 Mb The 6.5.3.img file kept in dir after installation, plus only added Vivaldi
What is happening? The grotesquest example is the Scarthgap installation, but my daily user Daeadalus is also very large. I remember that some invisible 'white files' was an issue with EasyPup a few years ago, is that also the case now?
As noted, I kept the image files in the installation dirs, to be able to use only a delta-file for update.
Question: Will the update delta file only install if the former latest version is installed, and image file is kept, or should it update if any previous version is installed?