@mikewalsh ?
Hello everybody:
SOMETIMES... I use Portable Chrome on EasyOS, but nowadays an option to update appears.
If I choose this option, there is an error and chrome stop working, so I decide not to update till this problem will be solved.
What I disturb a little is the message advising an update is available.
What should I modify at the launch file to make google not to update?
My launch file code is:
Code: Select all
# Launcher for 'portable' Google Chrome browser
HERE="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")"
LAST_RELEASE=`wget -qO- https://omahaproxy.appspot.com/linux`
INSTALLED_VERSION=`cat "$HERE/PROFILE/spot/google-chrome/Last Version"`
### UPDATE ###
yad --undecorated --center --form --text=" An UPDATE is available. Would you like to install it?
If you are running Fossapup64, Bionicpup64, Xenialpup64 or
Tahrpup64 - or derivatives of these - you can allow the update
to proceed. If you are running any other Puppies or Puppy-derived
distros - for instance, EasyOS or Quickpup, or any of the Slackos,
you will need to hit the 'No thanks' button now.
To check for the prescence of the 'ar' binary, open a terminal
and type 'which ar', followed by hitting Enter. If you receive
a filesystem location, you are good to go. If you receive 'bash:
command not found', then 'ar' is not present on your distro.
Please load your devX SFS package before attempting to update
Chrome. If you do not, then the Chrome-portable will end up
non-functional, due to the 'chrome' directory being deleted!
" --button="YES PLEASE - update Chrome now":2 --button="NO THANKS - ask me later...":1
if [[ $foo -eq 2 ]]; then
mkdir "$HERE/PROFILE" 2> /dev/null
mkdir "$HERE/PROFILE/spot" 2> /dev/null
mkdir "$HERE/PROFILE/spot/google-chrome" 2> /dev/null
chown -R spot:spot "$HERE/PROFILE/spot"
chown -R spot:spot "$HERE/lib"
chown -R spot:spot "$HERE/chrome"
if grep -q 'Quirky April64' /etc/DISTRO_SPECS
run-as-spot "$HERE/chrome/chrome" --user-data-dir=$HERE/PROFILE/spot/google-chrome --disable-infobars "$@"
elif grep -q 'puppy_xenialpup64' /etc/os-release
run-as-spot "$HERE/chrome/chrome" --user-data-dir=$HERE/PROFILE/spot/google-chrome --disable-infobars "$@"
run-as-spot "$HERE/chrome/chrome" --user-data-dir=$HERE/PROFILE/spot/google-chrome --disable-infobars "$@"