We do have a problem creating Chinese characters on the screen. Don't blame the messenger.
I found one Puppy Linux version that works. It's Ubuntu-24.04 which is in the making as 'NoblePup64' right here: viewforum.php?f=216
Moderator: BarryK
We do have a problem creating Chinese characters on the screen. Don't blame the messenger.
I found one Puppy Linux version that works. It's Ubuntu-24.04 which is in the making as 'NoblePup64' right here: viewforum.php?f=216
FeodorF wrote: Sat Aug 31, 2024 12:58 pmWe do have a problem creating Chinese characters on the screen.
To display chinese characters, suiitables font must be installedm but I I don't see any in PKGget
Another method install a pet from icake
I tested with the first pet the chinese characters are displayed but the keyboard layout has become us and xvkb in fr does not work.
WARNING : The installed pet is not listed in PKGget.
EDIT : Clicking the script puninstall.sh (present in the "unzipped" pet) restore the french layout keyboard , but many files from the pet were not removed
source : https://unix.stackexchange.com/question ... n-chromium
After installation of the deb packages fonts-arphic-ukai and fonts-arphic-uming, and after relaunch of X (or reboot), the chinese characters are correctly displayed
See blog post, have added a fairly small ttf file for Chinese and other Asian languages:
1. Copy Chinese support TTF font files to ~/.fonts
2. Update font support command `fc-cache -v -f`
After display support, install Fcitx Input Method used to.
DroidFallback indeed supports Chinese, Japanese, Arab script. However it does not have Korean, Thai, Devanagari, Khmer script, Burmese support
Tested using seamonkey browser