I'm booting into a fresh frugal install of easy-5.6.7, and I want to install nvidia_5.15.138-525.147.05_amd64.sfs. I think maybe I need to get devx and kernelsrc first so I select kernel_5.15.138-20231116_src.sfs. This seems to trigger a dependency and also downloads devx__5.7_amd64.sfs. Is this the devx I want? Or do I want devx_5.6.7_amd64.sfs?
I should mention I've done this a few times now because I originally put the frugal install on a USB and then decided to put it on a hard drive partition. The install is easy, it lives up to it's name, but my dual 2560x1440 monitors (which require swapping right and left) and getting NVIDIA working has put me back at item 3, boot pristine and start over a few times. lol, that is a nice option for someone like me!
Right now, I just need to know whether to proceed with "Install as a new container" with devx_5.7 or if I need devx_5.6.7? Or, maybe I don't need devx and kernelsrc for this nvidia.sfs?? I'm just in the habit of getting them first. If I don't need it for nvidia I probably would hold off on devx for now.