Greetings all;
I recently changed to BWpup64 and also changed laptops(HP probook 6570b)as I needed 4Gb of ram. With previous computers, the setup-boot-savefile always worked easily.
With the HP, I had 3-boot MODE choices; Legacy, UEFI Hybrid(with CSM), or
Uefi( without CSM). Then below under each (Legacy and UEFI), each had a list for BOOT ORDER. Only with Legacy(MODE) would the computer boot directly to BWpup64. With the others, it always booted to Windows 10.
BOOT 1ST TIME LIVE CD: after booting, I added info. and did the SAVE FILE, which seemed ok; but, when I rebooted, it showed the 1st startup screen again like nothing was saved. Checking sda3, there was in fact the savefile: dpupbw64-save.2fs (unmounted) so the save process worked but it is not recognized upon a reboot.
Does anyone hv. an idea how to resolve this?
Thks. MW