Does anyone know why I am getting this message and am unable to save files?
Using Firefox.
Code: Select all
• PDEV1='nvme0n1p2'
• DEV1FS='ext3'
• PUPSFS='nvme0n1p2,ext3,/Bookworm64_10.0.6/puppy_dpupbw64_10.0.6.sfs'
• PUPSAVE='nvme0n1p2,ext3,/Bookworm64_10.0.6/dpupbw64save-2024-06-25-basic-02'
• PMEDIA='satahd'
pmount says 0B free on p5, but shows plenty of space according to the color indicator. Not only that, why am I given no choice where I want to save the file? Am I missing something?