Blueman Bluetooth setup in F96-CE

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Blueman Bluetooth setup in F96-CE

Post by wizard »

The F96-CE Puppy is almost ready for release and includes the Blueman Bluetooth GUI. While it is working, it does have some idiosyncrasies. This "howto" should help users set it up.

This procedure has been tested on two of my computers, but would like for others with Bluetooth devices to confirm the instructions.


Blueman Bluetooth Manager has an immovable "Pairing request for device" popup window that will appear in the center of the desktop and BEHIND any other application window that is running in that area. Therefore, it is required you minimize all programs from the desktop.

By default, your computer will be identified as "BlueZ" on other devices (can be changed)
Be sure your bluetooth devices are in discover mode

Pairing and Connecting
Menu>Network>Bluetooth Manager
-click: Enable
Shall bluetooth get enabled automatically?
-click your choice
Move the Bluetooth Devices window to the lower right corner of the desktop (so you can see that popup window)
-click: Adapter>Preferences>Always visible
-click: Search
-right click your device (its name my not be exactly correct yet)

bt-devices.png (37.14 KiB) Viewed 394 times

-click: pair
If you get a "Pairing request for device" popup window and a code is not supplied by the remote device.
-enter: 0000 (4 zeros)
-click: OK

bt-pairing5.png (243.77 KiB) Viewed 394 times

You may also get a pairing message on your bluetooth device requiring the same action.
A bluetooth notification bar may appear at the top of the desktop, it should close automatically, if not, you can click it to close the bar.
-right click again
-click: connect
-right click again (If "Disconnect" is listed, you are connected)
-click: Trust

For file transfer between devices (smartphones)
-click: View
-click: Local Services
-click: Transfer
-select an Incoming Folder
-check: Accept files from trusted devices
-click: Apply
There may be some other actions required that are device specific, but this should be the settngs required by Blueman.

Big pile of OLD computers

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