sdb1 is read only--what did forget pls?

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sdb1 is read only--what did forget pls?

Post by boof »

it tried chmod 7777 /mnt/sdb1 and chmod 7777 /mnt/sdb1/<flename>, neither worked. tried changing permissions in gui, no joy. i don't know how RO was set, other than an incorrect shutdown? i know it's simple, but memory fails me, again. advice pls.

Last edited by boof on Sat Aug 03, 2024 10:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: sdb1 is read only--what did forget pls?

Post by Flash »

Boof, please start a separate thread for your LibreOffice question.

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Re: sdb1 is read only--what did forget pls?

Post by boof »

i have set sdb1 to mount at boot. how/where do i edit that to mount it as rw pls?

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Re: sdb1 is read only--what did forget pls?

Post by jp734 »

So how did you set it to mount at boot? Did you create a script and placed it in /root/startup? Do you have anything on /etc/fstab? I'm not familiar with F96CE. Haven't used it yet but you can start on those. I'm sure other people with more experience on F96_CE will share their expertise.

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Re: sdb1 is read only--what did forget pls?

Post by bigpup »

What format is sdb1?

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
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Re: sdb1 is read only--what did forget pls?

Post by esos »

it tried chmod 7777 /mnt/sdb1 and chmod 7777 /mnt/sdb1/<flename>, neither worked.

I think you dont give enough information about sdb1.
Is it internal or external?
What is the size of sdb1 and what format or how many partitions?

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Re: sdb1 is read only--what did forget pls?

Post by boof »

sdb1 is fat32, only partition, 16GB. mounted at boot by puppy drive mounter, r ciick partition name, select mount at boot. reboot. fstab empty, it's a flashdrive, gparted says it;s a cdrom, and i can't delete/change anything. i wrote the iso to the drive as an iso, changing to a cdrom. i'll install cd writing app in the hope i can erase it somehow. no cd rom drive installed, so i can't easily use pburn on it. i have my doubts it can be fixed, i'd need to edit the FAT? i could eventually nut it out, but for a $5 drive, it's not worth it.

/dev/sdb1 fat32 123456789 14.61GB 7.71GB 6.9GB

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Re: sdb1 is read only--what did forget pls?

Post by boof »

apparently the flashdrive is bricked, as the conversion ro to rw is not possible. fortunately, i have a spare and the data is safe.


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Re: sdb1 is read only--what did forget pls?

Post by bigpup »

i wrote the iso to the drive as an iso, changing to a cdrom.

Here is where a little more detail would help as to how you did this?

I will guess you did it some way that made the format on it iso9660. Which is a read only format.

Gparted should be able to get it back to a normal format that is read/write. (fat32, ext 3, or 4).

Boot something from some other drive, where you can use Gparted.

The bad drive can not be mounted, it must be unmounted.

In gparted have it selected to work on this drive.

Make a new partition table (that totally deletes everything on the drive)
Partition and format how you want to.

Make the format fat32 or one of the ext ones.

Should now be able to read/write to it.

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
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