Install packages from debian testing [bookworm] in vanilladpup 9.3

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Install packages from debian testing [bookworm] in vanilladpup 9.3

Post by Phneoix »

Is it possible to install packages from from testing [bookworm] release of debian, in version 9.3 of vanilladpup which is based on bullseye. I need some packages which are upgraded to latest version like freecad and nodejs.

Thanks and regards.

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Re: Install packages from debian testing [bookworm] in vanilladpup 9.3

Post by dimkr »

It's super unlikely to work and generally a bad idea. Newer packages will be incompatible because they need newer libraries or a newer kernel, and you can break your system very easily if you force the installation of newer libraries.

You can try to enable the Debian Backports ( repository if you want to install newer versions of specific applications, but it's not guaranteed to work and not guaranteed to be in sync with the versions in Bookworm.

If you want a Bookworm-based Puppy, I recommend viewtopic.php?t=7502.

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