This was done for current v9.2.15 ISO file as well as v10.0.21's. This was done for both the X11 version as well as the Wayland version. Thus 3 VanillaPUP64 distros were tested verifying for boot and sessions saves. My names to distinguish each Vanilla Distro is:
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The tests were done via SG2D on bare-metal as well as directly in KVM-QEMU with sound from the VanillaPUP64 active. This means 6 tests were done: 3 directly on the PC and 3 done in VMs.
It was wonderful to see that on reboots, each implementation finds @gyrog's SAVESPEC and sets up accordingly for proper session discovery OR session saving when the distro(s) is booted, pristine. The SAVESPEC contains the following and is generated automatically for many WoofCE distros when booted.
Code: Select all
SS_MEDIA= <== the media type for saving sessions is here
SS_ID= <== the partition's label for saving sessions is here
SS_DIR= <== the directory for saving sessions is here
This feature of Puppy works perfectly for all of my uses of WoofCE distros.
With the presence of the SAVESPEC file, NO effort for Menu line manipulation is needed for WoofCE PUPs for normal frugal use or expectation: Thus, hitting the enter-key for any Menu selection of this WoofCE distro is all that is needed. This is truly a download and boot the ISO file solution. Recapping: No user Menu line-entry manipulation (namely psave/pmedia/psubdir) is required for navigating for your sessions that are saved or expected to!
The distro problems I've run into is use representation of the various application's screens (starting with FirstRUN) are markedly different in presentation and behavior of the X11 versions versus the Wayland versions.This is wayland's infancy in desktops.
As reported and made plain in the Wayland version 10, "it is experimental".
The systems activity is speedy!