[FossaPup64 9.5] How to upgrade installed packages?

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[FossaPup64 9.5] How to upgrade installed packages?

Post by vega88 »


I have found PPM>Configure>Update Database. This seems to update the definitions of packages, so that the next time I install something it will be the new version, seemingly equivalent to "apt-get update" in Debian.

Is there a way to upgrade already installed packages ("apt-get upgrade") ?

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Re: You rarely need or want to upgrade install packages

Post by mikeslr »

The basic philosophy of Puppy Linux is "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

Puppys are designed as modular operating systems. A Puppy System consists of:
initrd(.?z) -- the initial ram disk which contains instructions as to what file-systems to make use of on bootup.
vmlinuz -- the kernel, essentially the motor and platform upon which all other systems are built and use.
zdrv.sfs -- the drivers by which the kernel interfaces with your computer's hardware. Drivers must be compiled against specific kernels.
fdrv.sfs -- the firmware also needed to communicate with hardware, but are not kernel specific.
Puppy_YOUR-VERSION_YOUR-VERSION_NUMBER.sfs: this is the body of a specific version of Puppy and consists of its file-manager, window-manager, all the user-oriented applications the creator considered necessary, and the 'nuts & bolts' by which the kernel, drivers and firmware interface with those.
adrv.sfs. and/or ydrv.sfs bearing your Puppy's designation: these are additional applications the creator thought some users might want.
Except for initrd and vmlinuz, the above are all READ-ONLY file-systems. When you add another application or an updated version of an application it will be written to a SaveFile or SaveFolder. The applications/files in a SaveFile/Folder have precedence over any conflicting applications/files. As the latter are contained in a READ-ONLY file-system, they are not replaced; just not used when another version has precedence. [To replace them you have to remaster].
The kernels (and associated zdrv.sfs) of a Puppy can be updated/downgraded easily without having to change the body of that Puppy. [There's also an easy to use application by which a User can change the contents of adrv.sfs and ydrs.sfs or create his or her own. The contents of these have priority over the files/applications in the 'body', but not over the SaveFile/Folder].

Thus, applications in the 'body', an adrv.sfs, ydrv.sfs and/or a SaveFile/Folder are independent. You could, for example, choose to run the version of LibreOffice published 4 years ago, or the version 7.3.0 publised February 6. If you were to compare the two you would find that the latest version has more 'Bells & Whistles' but also has almost doubled in size and computer-resource demands.

The same is almost always true of every other application with which Users accomplish 'real-world' tasks. You can chose to update an application. But if you don't need the updated version's new 'bells and whistles', why place additional demands on your computer's resources?

You are running Fossapup64. It's Puppy Package Manager accesses the repos of Ubuntu Fossa Focal. If you update Puppy Package Manager it will offer the latest versions of applications available on those repos. You can try to make use of applications Ubuntu has published for Impish Indri by accessing either https://pkgs.org/ or 'Indri's' repos directly; but you'll have to engage in a hunt for dependencies on your own. Or perhaps install pkg-cli, https://oldforum.puppylinux.com/viewtop ... 112927&i=1 which, like apt, can add other repositories. But be forewarned: installing newer libraries may result in your breaking applications built-into your Puppy.
A safer approach is to test AppImages available on the web. AppImages are constructed to be 'self-contained': that is include within itself all necessary dependencies. But Puppys are not among their creators' 'test-beds' and so may lack some dependencies. Start a separate post as to any you try and have a problem with.
But even before doing that, see if the application you want is available in the Additional Software Section; and as you're running Fossapup64, look at what's been made available in its User Contributed Section.
In fact, now that I've thought of it, always check what's available in the Additional Software Section before using Puppy Package Manager, noting, however, that some applications have been created only for some specific Puppy versions. Puppy Package Manager does not always 'pull in' all dependencies needed by a Puppy. [It only knows what the binary-compatible distro knows; and the binary compatible disto doesn't know that Puppy may have employed a different infra-structure]. Applications available from the Additional Software Section are of two types: (a) those where the publisher has tracked-down and included any dependencies for one or more Puppys; or (b) essentially bash-scripts which can be used in (almost*) any Puppy.
Many applications built for Puppys are published as SFSes (squashed file systems). These are not installed; only loaded: Menu>Setup>SFS-load or right-click>sfs-load. Even if an SFS is not build for your Puppy you can try it as it will not over-write anything. Worse-case it won't work and you just SFS-(un)load: it's a toggle. But while loaded you can check for missing dependencies and possibly install them. [The same is true of applications published as portables]. Even if an application is published as a pet you can also safely test it. Just don't execute a Save until you're sure it functions and doesn't break anything. When you initially 'install' a pet, deb, or other package it is only in RAM. If you Menu>Exit>Restart Graphical Server your Puppy will re-catalog what then makes up its system as Puppys system consists of all the applications in RAM, or with links in RAM.
However, it is generally recommended that you take the time to back-up your SaveFile/Folder --Puppy's much quick and more efficient analog to 'time-shift'**-- and especially to do so before trying out applications alien to your operating system [other than SFSes, portables and AppImages as these do not write to your SaveFile/Folder].

Web-browsers are one exception to the 'general rule'. These almost always demand the latest version. And within reason the latest Web-browser versions are made available in the Additional Software Section>Browsers and Internet, viewforum.php?f=90.
The other exception is Security. IIRC, Ubuntu will be providing Security updates thru April 2025. Expect that 666philb will be keeping watch for these and offer updates via Menu>Setup>Quickpet Fossa. If you have not already done so, open that application and Click Fossapup updates.
You can also from time to time see what is new in the Additional Software>Security Section.
* The version of bash used may be slightly different than that built-into some Puppys first published more than 5 years ago. So on rare occasions new 'bash-applications' won't function properly.
** One of the benefits of Puppy's modular design. Except for the contents of your SaveFile/Folder, the rest of your system is always pristine.

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