Wine in 64FossaPup? [SOLVED]

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Wine in 64FossaPup? [SOLVED]

Post by davids45 »

Is there a Wine (pet, portable or sfs) that will run in 64FossaPup?
For me, the 32-bit portable wine runs in 64BionicPup (and some other 64-bitzers), but not in 64FossaPup.
Thanks for any guidance.
David S.

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Re: Wine in 64FossaPup?

Post by bigpup »

Use the one that is offered in Quickpet->Useful->Wine
Quickpet has icon on the desktop to run Quickpet.
Quickpet is full of programs that are complied specifically for Fossapup64 9.5.

If you already have Wine installed.
Uninstall it before using the Wine in Quickpet.

Do you know what needs to be done with Wine after it is installed?
How to set it up and configure Wine?

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Re: Wine in 64FossaPup?

Post by bigpup »

the 32-bit portable wine runs in 64BionicPup (and some other 64-bitzers), but not in 64FossaPup.

Probably need to download and load up the fossapup 32bit compatibility sfs
You can get it from Quickpet->Useful

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Re: Wine in 64FossaPup?

Post by mikewalsh »

Hiya, David.

I run an "external" install of version2013's WINE 3.3_v2.1 from a remote partition, sym-linked into all my Pups. It runs fine under every 64-bit Puppy, too, so long as you make sure you load the 32-bit compatibility SFS first.

It runs equally as well under Fossapup64. I always found the 'portables' CAN be a bit 'awkward' with 64-bitzers; the external, sym-linked "install" solved all that for me.

Mike. ;)

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Re: Wine in 64FossaPup?

Post by davids45 »


Thanks for those quick replies :o , all encouraging that I'm the problem, not FossaPup :oops: . By the way, don't you Northern Hemispherians ever sleep - aren't the nights are supposed to be very long for you now? Or is it a Covid 'thing' keeping you indoors?

Anyway, after posting my question, I'd downloaded Wine from the Package manager in 64Fossa9.5 and after muddling around, could run Notepad, Wordpad, File Manager and WineMine from edited scripts but had no joy in trying to add useful applications by running in a terminal ' wine (the application's exe) "$@" ' (or with 'wine64'), or from Winefile and double-clicking the .exe, as I had in the past with the 32-bit Wines.

I'll try your suggested Quickpet and the compatibility-sfs-loaded-first approaches in my 'Testing-64 Fossa95' frugal.

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Re: Wine in 64FossaPup?

Post by Geek3579 »

I agree with Mikewalsh. I have found Portable WINE runs fine in Fossapup64, once the 32 bit compatibility sfs is loaded, and you run the "install" script in the portable wine folder. And dont forget to use before the windows_app.exe - eg IrfanViewPortable.exe

You can also have the ordinary wine and portable wine installed at the same time - one is internal, the other external.

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Re: Wine in 64FossaPup?

Post by bigpup »

Do you know what needs to be done with Wine after it is installed?
How to set it up and configure Wine?

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Re: Wine in 64FossaPup?

Post by mikewalsh »

Morning, Dave.

Coupla words of advice - if I may..?

1) Don't ever install WINE from the PPM. This is set-up to work with whichever mainstream 'parent' distro your Puppy is derived from. Permissions will be wrong, ownerships will be all over the place.

Either use the packages from version2013:- viewtopic.php?f=142&t=103 ....who's been building these, specially for Puppy, for a long time. Or, if you prefer 'portable-WINE', drop mikeslr a line; he has far more experience of it than I do.

2) I'm not saying that WINE64 is no good. Most people think, of course, that since 64-bit is replacing 32-bit everywhere, 64-bit WINE must be "better" than 32-bit WINE. Think again; it doesn't work quite like that.

'64-bit', in this instance, doesn't refer to the architecture of the Puppy you're running it in. It refers to the Windows architecture it supports, and for 64-bit Windows, this is doubly confusing. There's a very good resumé of how 64-bit Windows/WINE works, although 64-bit stuff going in a 32-bit folder, and 32-bit stuff going in a 64-bit folder confuses the hell out of me!

Gizmo's Freeware tells it like this:-

" File Redirection

File redirection ensures that there are separate folders for program and operating system files for 32- and 64-bit applications.

32-bit applications files are installed into

C:\Program Files(x86)

32-bit system files are installed into


For 64-bit applications, files are installed to:

C:\Program Files

The WOW64 file redirector ensures that requests from 32-bit applications to open files in C:\Program Files or C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 are redirected to the appropriate 32-bit directories.

There is one issue with file redirection that users and developers should be aware of.

Many 64 bit applications still use 32 bit installation routines. To ensure that an application is installed correctly, i.e. to C:\Program Files, the installation routine should make an operating system call to temporarily suspend the WOW64 file redirector. After installation another operating system call needs to be made to re-enable the redirector. If this approach is not followed then the application will be installed to C:\Program Files (x86). A classic example of this is the 64 bit development version of Firefox 3.5, codenamed Shiretoko, which is installed to C:\Program Files(x86)\Shiretoko. Firefox still functions correctly, the only thing you can't do is change the icon for the application."


It's just SO much easier to use the compat-libs SFS & the 32-bit version..! :lol:

Mike. ;)

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Wine in 64FossaPup? & Mixing Wines

Post by mikeslr »

2022 April 5, Long overdue edit: I probably should have pointed out that the Portable-Wine MikeWalsh and I often refer to can still be obtained via the link from this post, viewtopic.php?p=279#p279

Ditto what's been said before, especially about loading the compatibility SFS from Quickpet first. Then, answering bigpup's question, open a terminal and type ldconfig --that word begins with a small "El -phonetic". Wait for it to complete setting up its many symbolic links.
After that, Left-Click the "Register" script inside the Portable Wine folder. That installs it as "wine-portable-1.0". Installation only writes desktop files to /usr/share/applications, and a couple bash scripts elsewhere. One of which is portable's executable named One of the menu entries created will be Menu>Utility>Wine Config. You can click that to run portable-wine configuration. But IIRC, left-clicking the first 'exe' will trigger configuration.
You may want to have wifi established before you do that. The first time wine-config runs it will offer to install Mono and Gecko*.
All the windows programs I run are 32-bit. I deploy portables to /mnt/home/xp-apps. "Installables" get installed to a folder in Wine-portable's "false" C:drive.
If I had any reason to use 64-Bit Windows programs, I would still use wine-portable for 32-bit programs. You can simultaneously run wine and wine-portable as their executables have different names, wine and respectively. Before installing the 2nd, change the names of the /usr/share/applications/ desktop files, and the name-argument within of the 1st. For example: Change wine-config.desktop [written by wine-portable] to wine-portable-config.desktop and its Name='s argument to wine-portable Config.
The distinct file management modules of wine and wine-portable could be used to install and open programs, but someone more clever than I would have to come up with a way to open programs by Right-Clicking an EXE as that mime-type is used by both 32-and-64 bit programs: some kind of an "if Else" routine.
* In the future I won't default to installing either mono or gecko. I don't know what windows programs need mono. And I think installing gecko --which provides windows programs access to the internet-- creates a security risk. But I can't recommend not installing them to other users as I'm not certain the following experience may not be an exception.
Knowing that the programs I use under wine-portable didn't need to access the internet I had declined its offer to install gecko. Yesterday, being very pleased with Atlantis Word-processor --a program amethyst had recommended-- I decided to install WordWeb which Atlantis needs to perform thesaurus operations. During WordWeb's deploy it offered and was able to install gecko. And I've just remembered that Wine-portable --as it used a version2013 wine build-- also includes Winetricks. I think Winetricks can also install both gecko and mono.

Last edited by mikeslr on Tue Apr 05, 2022 11:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wine in 64FossaPup?

Post by davids45 »


Thanks all for your consistent advice.

Loading the Fossa compatibility 32-bit libs sfs fixed my problem. My old Bionic 32-libs sfs was not working in Fossa and looks to have been my problem.

I did not need to replace the wine in my wine+programs sfs nor fiddle around with the wine portable to get 64Fossa running as I'd like it.

64-bit Wine seemed a bit of a 'dog's breakfast' when I looked through the files in its package, a mixture of many 32-bit libs and 64-bit libs so I'm staying with the 32-bit versions that work in most 64-bit Pups. with the correct 32-bit lib compatibility sfs loaded! :oops: :thumbup2:

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Re: Wine in 64FossaPup? [SOLVED]

Post by Geek3579 »

Congratulations ! its great to see that Wine works from the Package manager in Fossapup64. Just in case I need it someday.

And to those who added information about Wine portable, well I learnt something new that I can use. Thanks !

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