YAD is a "dialog box" program that is more powerful than Xdialog and easier to use than gtkdialog. YAD creates a GUI interface for input/output with BASH programs. It gets input from users and then outputs it. Assigning the output to variables is a task for BASH.
I've seen multiple examples of how to do it (most look a little cryptic), the one I found easiest to understand and implement will be shown here.
Let's start with things we have to know about BASH and YAD.
-any character or name starting with a $ is treated as a variable
--open a terminal
--type: test=5
--press: enter
--type: echo $test
--press: enter
The terminal should reply 5, which is the value we gave for "test"
-BASH uses the ? (question mark) as a special character that contains the exit status (return code) of the last command.
-open a terminal
-type: yad
-press: enter
This gives you a basic YAD dialog box. The user can take one of four actions.
- click OK, closes the window and outputs any information it contains
- click Cancel, close the window with no output (you can change this, see NOTE)
- click the "X" in the right corner, close the window with no output
- press ESC key, close the window with no output
Each action also outputs the return code that tells you what the user did.
These are the default return codes:
NOTE: you can create custom buttons that also use YAD's output by giving them an "even" return code
Here is a basic code example with two field boxes and two custom buttons. You can copy and paste it into a geany file, save and make it executable to test it if you like.
Code: Select all
#! /bin/bash
#Yad assign variables with BASH
yad --form --width=400 --title=" " --text="Please enter your info:" --separator=' ' \
--button=Skip:1 \
--button=Apply:0 \
--field="Username" \
--field="Password" \
First, to capture the YAD output we assign the YAD command to a variable we'll call "values". So the code looks like this:
Code: Select all
values=( $(yad --form --width=400 --title=" " --text="Please enter your info:" --separator=' ' \
--button=Skip:1 \
--button=Apply:0 \
--field="Username" \
--field="Password" \ ))
Next, we want to assign the value of $? (the return code) to a variable we'll call "return", so we add this code:
Code: Select all
echo $return #just shows us the value
Next, assign the YAD output to separate variables (they start with zero):
Code: Select all
Last, we add some logic based on the users action return code:
Code: Select all
if [ $return == 0 ]; then
echo You entered:
echo $username
echo $password
Here is the final code:
Code: Select all
#! /bin/bash
#Yad assign variables with BASH
values=( $(yad --form --width=400 --title=" " --text="Please enter your info:" --separator=' ' \
--button=Skip:1 \
--button=Apply:0 \
--field="Username" \
--field="Password" \ ))
echo $return #just shows us the value
if [ $return == 0 ]; then
echo You entered:
echo $username
echo $password
That's it, hope it works for you. Take a look at the @smokey01 site for a comprehensive tutorial on YAD http://smokey01.com/yad/