Hm. Curious.
Two completely different sets of hardware, running two totally different cameras - one integrated, one USB - neither of which can be 'seen' by this version of Zoom, running under the same OS.
So; it begs the question, doesn't it? Is it Zoom.....or is it Bionic? I have to confess, here, that this particular Puppy has given me no end of issues ever since I started using it a couple of years ago, not only on this new hardware, but also on the old Compaq tower, too. I don't hold Phil responsible in any way; he can only work with the material he had to begin with, and the sources as supplied by Canonical.....and did his usual remarkable job.
(This version of Zoom runs flawlessly under Fossapup, and also in a Xenialpup64 chroot 'jail' from where I have it running in Quirky 'April' 7.0.1 'lite' from jrb.....and that's Tahrpup-era. However, under Xenialpup64 running on bare metal, although it logs in OK, and the camera feed comes up, it's all 'jerky' & 'flickery' it's doubly odd the same version of Puppy runs it flawlessly from within a 'jail'.)
If anything, I think the problems lie with the source material and repositories, because I've read no end of blog and forum posts where Ubuntu users, too, have had issue after issue with Bionic Beaver......and those same users have also experienced what I have, viz, the fact that stuff that's been giving them grief has started behaving itself again under Focal Fossa. I can only surmise it comes down to a particular combination of dependencies & system runtime routines.
We're getting closer, though..!