I've used Pale Moon browser on old kit, and while ssls wll get you around, the cpu always thinks otherwise.
The ideal, for me, would be a recent recompile of xlinks, but that's above my pay grade.
I've used Pale Moon browser on old kit, and while ssls wll get you around, the cpu always thinks otherwise.
The ideal, for me, would be a recent recompile of xlinks, but that's above my pay grade.
@peebee Many thanks. It's an honor to have the actual developer post here.
@Wiz57 Many thanks for weighing in. I'm a little dense today, so I'm not seeing the link in your post. Could you cite it again for the hard-of-thinking?
Much obliged.
Edit: would this be the page: https://archive.org/download/Puppy_Linux_ScPup
Very interesting. Documentation is pretty limited at github. Do you think it can run with just 512mb RAM? It's not clear to me.
Hmm, just saw a reddit post that says 1gb RAM is the minimum.