Thanks. The flatpak worked.
That appimage is from Nov 24, 2021! It is old... I suggest changing the source of the appimage or removing it in favor of the flatpack.
Thanks. The flatpak worked.
That appimage is from Nov 24, 2021! It is old... I suggest changing the source of the appimage or removing it in favor of the flatpack.
Thanks! I'm using Scarthgap. I attempted to use Daedalus before but I wanted to try Scarthgap too. I think I'll reinstall Daedalus again.
I know about the "mini" build, but I want the full thing
This worked for me, thanks!
I tried to run it from the terminal and it turns out it complains about running as root.
Thanks for the answer. Maybe I am doing something wrong... I downloaded the appimage for AnyType, I gave it the 3 Exec permissions and placed it in the desktop, but when I click it nothing happens...
I installed Telegram from the Appi and I got an outdated version.
Thanks for the response.
When I click the appimage, UExtract tries to extract it instead of running it. I'd like to add it into the menus.
What is the preferred way to install the latest version of nim? I already installed the dev sfs.
Hello, new user here and I already like EasyOS
How can I install an appimage I downloaded? On my previous OS I used to install appimages from a large repository.
Edit: I just saw appman mentioned before viewtopic.php?t=13038