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by mikewalsh
Tue Feb 27, 2024 1:22 am
Forum: DPupStretch
Topic: DPupStretch (32 bit) PPM Update Failed (not fully-SOLVED)
Replies: 21
Views: 2147

Re: DPupStretch (32 bit) PPM Update Failed (not fully-SOLVED)

Mikewalsh's suggestion to use fred's 64-bit compatibility SFS works, and not only for web-browsers. But it does take a toll on RAM usage. Peebee, Mike.....not Fred! :D But in all honesty, unless you're running very old hardware with limited RAM/ability to upgrade the RAM, most of us are no longer i...
by mikewalsh
Mon Feb 26, 2024 10:36 pm
Forum: DPupStretch
Topic: DPupStretch (32 bit) PPM Update Failed (not fully-SOLVED)
Replies: 21
Views: 2147

Re: DPupStretch (32 bit) PPM Update Failed (not fully-SOLVED)

greengeek :- Right. To assuage my own curiosity - and to save you a bunch of messing-around! - here's the proof of the pudding. peebee's 64-bit_compatibility SFS does indeed run very nicely in DPup Stretch 32. I thought it should, for the above-stated reasons. I'm using Fossapup64 9.5's 64-bit k5.4...
by mikewalsh
Mon Feb 26, 2024 5:27 pm
Forum: DPupStretch
Topic: DPupStretch (32 bit) PPM Update Failed (not fully-SOLVED)
Replies: 21
Views: 2147

Re: DPupStretch (32 bit) PPM Update Failed (not fully-SOLVED)

greengeek :- Regrettably, Ian, under normal conditions NetFlix is indeed inaccessible via any 32-bit browser. Reason? Google - in their "wisdom" - decided to deprecate 32-bit Widevine (required for decoding NetFlix's DRM content) some 3 1/2 years ago now. 'Twas all part of their rationali...
by mikewalsh
Mon Feb 26, 2024 3:34 pm
Forum: Kernels
Topic: firmware SFS links --when you need them
Replies: 6
Views: 945

Re: firmware SFS links --when you need them

mikeslr :- That's WHY you couldn't delete your post, Mike. Once Oz had posted, the ability to do so became null & void. You can always delete your posts so long as it is the very last one in any given thread (you'll still see the "x" at the top right corner).....if it isn't, only we m...
by mikewalsh
Mon Feb 26, 2024 12:23 pm
Forum: Puppy Projects
Topic: Information on NoblePup64 Alpha Development
Replies: 36
Views: 3798

Re: NoblePup64

IdfbAn :- DeaDBeeF's GUI only works if the devx sfs is loaded... That's very odd. I've never yet come across a Puppy that won't run the GUI; the 'portables' all run fine, but this is of course a very early-stage build.....and unfortunately, I never get involved with ANY Puppy this early in its life...
by mikewalsh
Mon Feb 26, 2024 10:20 am
Forum: Users
Topic: NetFlix shenanigans.......with Slacko 5.6.0!
Replies: 4
Views: 234

Re: NetFlix shenanigans.......with Slacko 5.6.0!

greengeek :- In this case, Ian, it mostly boils down to how much RAM & storage you have available! Don't forget; to achieve this effect - running 64-bit browsers inside a 32-bit Chroot, then accessing those browsers from your 32-bit Puppy - you're essentially running two Pups at the same time. ...
by mikewalsh
Mon Feb 26, 2024 1:03 am
Forum: Users
Topic: Bash command to ascertain firmware in use? Answered
Replies: 4
Views: 274

Re: Bash command to ascertain firmware in use?

mikeslr :- Heh. It's not that straight-forward, Mike.....unfortunately. AFAIK, there is no one, single bash command that will automatically tell you everything you want to know. Firmware is used all across your system/mobo, etc., and you have to use a selection of different commands to pull in the ...
by mikewalsh
Mon Feb 26, 2024 12:54 am
Forum: System
Topic: a self-contained, noarch 'portable' that CAN run from the tray, with entry GUI for 'options'...
Replies: 0
Views: 222 a self-contained, noarch 'portable' that CAN run from the tray, with entry GUI for 'options'...

Evening, gang. I was convinced I'd published this quite some time ago, but apparently not. I was messing around one day, trying to come up with a slightly more user-friendly way of running Inxi on the desktop. For those of you that may not know, Inxi is a terminal-based system information tool for L...
by mikewalsh
Sun Feb 25, 2024 12:23 pm
Forum: Users
Topic: Screen Resolution With Old GPU's
Replies: 2
Views: 169

Re: Screen Resolution With Old GPU's

Hi, AQUAR . :welcome: back again! Me, I have no experience of discrete AMD/ATI GPUs at all.....and only quite recent experience with Nvidia GPUs, having purchased my first one ever when I replaced the current "big" HP desktop rig in early 2020. (It's only an Asus GeForce GT710 'passive-coo...
by mikewalsh
Sun Feb 25, 2024 12:15 pm
Forum: F96-CE
Topic: thunderbird beta problem
Replies: 2
Views: 232

Re: thunderbird beta problem

boof :- Might help if you could clarify exactly what you're referring to as "beta".....why it was even necessary to mention it at all. What you want is do-able with any version of T-Bird.....and I don't recommend using the beta or experimental builds when the ESR builds usually maintain s...
by mikewalsh
Sun Feb 25, 2024 11:53 am
Forum: Beginners Help
Topic: Best image for Toshiba Libretto 110CT
Replies: 3
Views: 146

Re: Best image for Toshiba Libretto 110CT

Hallo, arishy .....and :welcome: to the kennels. Hoo, boy. You're going to have 2 major issues with this thing. That 32MB RAM IS, apparently, upgradeable to 64MB - with some BIOS "tweaks":- .....and it seems it can be further upg...
by mikewalsh
Sun Feb 25, 2024 12:39 am
Forum: Users
Topic: Show Us Your Desktop..!!
Replies: 900
Views: 325859

Re: Show Us Your Desktop..!!

Bog-standard 32-bit Slacko 560.....yeah? So; nowt special. Except, this one has a "twist" to it..... Star Trek "Voyager" on NetFlix running in 64-bit Firefox-portable, from a 32-bit ...
by mikewalsh
Sat Feb 24, 2024 10:37 am
Forum: Users
Topic: How to back up a save file, convert it to a save folder?
Replies: 6
Views: 294

Re: How to back up a save file, convert it to a save folder?

To convert back, just create a new blank directory, name it appropriately - no need for the 2fs/3fs/4fs extension, obviously! - then mount the save-file and just copy the contents over. I've never had any issues with doing this. Agreed. The only thing I'd add is, make sure you show the hidden files...
by mikewalsh
Sat Feb 24, 2024 12:27 am
Forum: Users
Topic: How to back up a save file, convert it to a save folder?
Replies: 6
Views: 294

Re: How to back up a save file, convert it to a save folder?

spiritwild :- Yup; you can copy it - to back it up - just as you can with any other file in Puppy. I ran with save-files for at least the first 4 years I was with Puppy, and in fact the ONLY form of back-ups I've ever employed for the whole of the last decade is a simple copy/paste. Which has alway...
by mikewalsh
Wed Feb 21, 2024 10:56 am
Forum: Beginners Help
Topic: Portable Firefox Two Installs?(Solved)
Replies: 12
Views: 498

Re: Portable Firefox Two Installs?

An alternative option would be to use the browser as a SFS . This could be loaded/unloaded as and when required. Jasper :- I see this mentioned a lot. It's not a good idea in the case of any of the 'zilla-based browsers, because they do have a built-in update mechanism.......and by turning the brow...
by mikewalsh
Wed Feb 21, 2024 2:23 am
Forum: Beginners Help
Topic: Portable Firefox Two Installs?(Solved)
Replies: 12
Views: 498

Re: Portable Firefox Two Installs?

number77 :- Yes, you should be able to run 2 separate instances of Firefox-portable. Each one will be completely self-contained; however, I'm not entirely certain you could run both at the same time. Certainly, if you run one Firefox-portable, and one Firefox-portable-ESR, you ought not to have any...
by mikewalsh
Fri Feb 16, 2024 10:40 am
Forum: Off-Topic Area
Topic: mikewalsh has the flu
Replies: 13
Views: 622

Re: mikewalsh has the flu

Clarity :- Now, THAT I don't find hard to believe. Last time I had a bad dose of this, I was a good 30 yrs younger.....far fitter, and more capable of fighting it off. It took nearly 10 days then....... I'm now 30 yrs older, fighting what by all accounts is one of the nastiest varieties for a long ...
by mikewalsh
Tue Feb 06, 2024 6:30 pm
Forum: Users
Topic: How to upgrade fossa64 to use GeForce GTX1060 Gaming video card? (solved)
Replies: 26
Views: 1071

Re: How to upgrade fossa64 to use GeForce GTX1060 Gaming video card?

peppyy :- Well, the button SAYS "450".... I would have hazarded a guess it was the 450.57 driver without looking, since that's the ONLY 450-series driver Phil ever built for Fossapup64. To make sure, though, checking the URL in the 'quickpet' script confirms it. That IS the one. Mike. htt...
by mikewalsh
Tue Feb 06, 2024 5:07 pm
Forum: Fossapup64
Topic: something better than winegui pls
Replies: 11
Views: 928

Re: something better than winegui pls

@Wiz57 :-

Oh, balderdash! My bad; never noticed the date..... :roll:


Mike. Image

by mikewalsh
Tue Feb 06, 2024 11:29 am
Forum: Users
Topic: How to upgrade fossa64 to use GeForce GTX1060 Gaming video card? (solved)
Replies: 26
Views: 1071

Re: How to upgrade fossa64 to use GeForce GTX1060 Gaming video card?

peppyy :- IF ya don't mind a slightly older driver, I'd go with the 450.57 driver. The .pet is in the Fossapup64 package repo at Ibiblio:- It's always worked perfectly for my basic GT710.....but the GTX1060 ...
by mikewalsh
Mon Feb 05, 2024 10:38 pm
Forum: Fossapup64
Topic: something better than winegui pls
Replies: 11
Views: 928

Re: something better than winegui pls

Hallo, melroy89 .....and :welcome: to the "kennels". boof :- From the sound of things, your best bet would be to run a Linux browser - I recommend either Chrome or one of the 'clones' (like Slimjet, Iron, Brave, MSEdge,etc)......and having got it up-and-running, what you then need to do is...
by mikewalsh
Mon Feb 05, 2024 10:55 am
Forum: BookwormPup
Topic: BookwormPup64 10.0.6
Replies: 843
Views: 200458

Re: BookwormPup64 10.0.4

I installed an alternative deb package management system called : gnome-software This installation took 75 megabytes, so it was large by Puppy standards, however, it was far superior as a user friendly GUI to Synaptic. It provided much more usefully worded app information than Synaptic does. The in...
by mikewalsh
Sat Feb 03, 2024 2:33 pm
Forum: Security
Topic: Brave as a pseudo-email client
Replies: 10
Views: 644

Re: Brave as a pseudo-email client

trawglodyte :- Yeah, browsers are handy things, ain't they? I frequently use them in this sort of fashion. With the Chromium-based 'clones' all having the ability to create desktop 'apps', running in their own window, out of any website(s) you care to use - and with the 'portables' all being self-c...
by mikewalsh
Sat Feb 03, 2024 5:34 am
Forum: Browsers and Internet
Topic: Using Vivaldi Browser and Keeping it Up-To-Date ?
Replies: 19
Views: 1533

Re: Using Vivaldi Browser and Keeping it Up-To-Date ?

With chrome if the menu fonts are too big/small, use the --force-device-scale-factor=1.5 switch /opt/google/chrome/chrome --force-device-scale-factor=1.5 Interesting. In almost 16 years of using Chrome, that's one --switch I wasn't aware of......though, given just how many --switches there ARE, tha...
by mikewalsh
Fri Feb 02, 2024 10:18 am
Forum: Forum Organization & Structure Council
Topic: Forum access problem under Firefox
Replies: 16
Views: 561

Re: Forum access problem under Firefox

@rockedge :-

Thanks, Erik. All behaving itself here now, too.

Mike. :thumbup:

by mikewalsh
Thu Feb 01, 2024 7:24 pm
Forum: Forum Organization & Structure Council
Topic: Forum access problem under Firefox
Replies: 16
Views: 561

Re: Forum access problem under Firefox

From what I could see of it, 'twould seem that both the site certificate AND the domain hosting were both up for renewal at approximately the same time......certs on the 30th Jan, domain today. (I could be wrong, but that's how I read it.)

Mike. ;)

by mikewalsh
Thu Feb 01, 2024 4:36 pm
Forum: Forum Organization & Structure Council
Topic: Forum access problem under Firefox
Replies: 16
Views: 561

Re: Forum access problem under Firefox

Hm. Curious.... Every single 'zilla-based browser is displaying the same behaviour. Firefox; FirefoxESR; Midori; Pale Moon. Even the Firefox-portable from is doing this under WINE! They're all saying the certificate has expired.....yet if you run any of the Chromium-based 'clones', ...
by mikewalsh
Thu Feb 01, 2024 2:01 am
Forum: Beginners Help
Topic: How to stop adverts on youtube?
Replies: 15
Views: 679

Re: How to stop adverts on youtube?

trawglodyte :- Mm.....there's a wee bit more to the " thing" than ya realize. Fredx181 started the ball rolling with all these portable Puppy apps 5 or 6 years ago, with a portable version of mainline Firefox. My own very first attempt at these - following Fred's method - was ...
by mikewalsh
Wed Jan 31, 2024 9:46 pm
Forum: Beginners Help
Topic: How to stop adverts on youtube?
Replies: 15
Views: 679

Re: How to stop adverts on youtube?

JakeSFR :- Interesting you should say about Invidious. Most of the optional APIs offered by FreeTube on its settings page are Invidious instances, so.....perhaps that says something about why it's so nippy, in addition to being ad-free. Whatever the reason, if I want to watch YouTube without necess...
by mikewalsh
Wed Jan 31, 2024 11:20 am
Forum: Beginners Help
Topic: How to stop adverts on youtube?
Replies: 15
Views: 679

Re: How to stop adverts on youtube?

number77 :- Unfortunately, YouTube served up with ads is now a fact of life. Blame Google; it's not a coding bug, it's a conscious decision on Big Brother's want YT without ads, you're now expected to pay for the privilege! Google have been trying-out various ways to monetize YT for ...

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